Azula (Dropped)

World: Avatar: The Last Airbender-1
Actual Age: 14
Apparent Age: 14
Quote: "I can see your whole history in your eyes. You were born with nothing. So you've had to struggle and connive and claw your way to power. But true power, the divine right to rule, is something you're born with. The truth is: they don't know which one of us is going to be sitting down on that throne, and which of us is going to be bowing down. But I know, and you know."
Role: Princess.
Species: Human
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Grey DeLisle


Princess Azula of the Fire Nation is the favored child of Fire Lord Ozai, the man who is conquering the world. Sadistic, manipulative, and one of the most talented firebenders the world has ever seen, the Princess has been tasked with hunting down and executing the Avatar himself. Despite being only fourteen years old, Azula has a tactical brilliance and gift for strategy far beyond her years. She is also a perfectionist; demanding nothing less than the best from herself and others around her. All of this has forged her into a truly frightening young woman; someone, in fact, who finds it difficult to relate to others through anything other than fear.


Fire Bending: Azula can create and control flames.
Azula can create flame from her hands, feet and mouth as blasts, jets, or even barriers of fire. The fire she creates is so hot that it burns blue.
Body Control: Azula can suppress physiological signs she is lying.
Azula has such fine control over her body that it is impossible to tell whether she is lying through physiological means. The only way to be sure is actual mind reading and similar supernatural powers (or blatant evidence to the contrary).
Gliding: Azula can use her flame to glide for short distances.
By creating fire from her hands or feet, Azula can glide short distances - this is extremely draining and limits her agility so it is not suitable for long distance flight.
Lightning: Azula can shoot lightning from her fingertips.
A more advanced form of Fire Bending, Azula can summon lightning and shoot it from her fingertips. This takes a couple of seconds to charge up, but the lightning generated is very powerful.
Martial Arts: Azula is an extremely talented martial artist in traditional wuxia style.
Azula blends her martial arts with her fire bending to create a very potent form of attack and defence. Her martial awareness is such that she is easily capable of taking on multiple skilled combatants without losing track of them and she is capable of some stunning martial arts feats - like running briefly on walls or arresting a fall from a mountain with a knife.
Tactics: Azula has a brilliant tactical mind.
Azula is able to quickly and efficiently read battlefield situations. She has a great deal of experience gauging enemy forces and knows well what she and her own people are capable of accomplishing. She is not easily overwhelmed and can rapidly assimilate new and surprising capabilities into her battle plans. This is not to say that she can't be caught by surprise - she absolutely can be - but where many would seize up and grind to a halt, Azula is more likely to rapidly ascertain either a counterstrategy or identify that one is not possible and she and hers should retreat.


Ty Lee< Named C-Tier >: An upbeat and cheerful gymnast with detailed knowledge of pressure points.
A relentlessly cheerful young woman from the circus, Ty Lee is a gymnast of incredible skill who is also one of Azula's closest friends... also one of her only friends. She uses her knowledge of the human body in combat, able to strike pressure points on human opponents in order to render them temporarily paralysed.
Mai< C-Tier Named >: Mai is a dour young woman who uses throwing knives in combat.
Mai is the daughter of a Fire Nation governor and is a proficient combatant. She maintains a dour and apathetic demeanor most of the time, rarely showing enthusiasm or excitement. She fears Azula (as any sane person would) and in combat she uses stilettos; throwing them and using spring-loaded mechanisms with such proficiency that she can take on Benders despite having no bending power herself.


Divine Right: Azula must assert her dominance in all situations.
Azula believes that power and strength alone are what grants one a right to rule; and that she, as a Princess, has the absolute right to rule over all - other than her Father. This not only means that Azula hates to be outdone by others (though she does, and will often seek to undermine the achievements of others if they reflect badly on her) but also that she demands admiration from her peers, and awe from her enemies. She is both arrogant and confident - but at the same time, she has to prove herself continually in the eyes of those around her and gain recognition of her superiority. In this way, she can be baited, as she will seek not only to achieve her goals - but to do so in a way that leaves no doubt about her own brilliance.
Driven: Azula is always looking for new resources to exploit and bring her more glory.
There is an expectation that Azula will bring riches, power and glory to the Fire Nation. She will not hesitate to seize every advantage that crosses her path, and she has no true loyalty deeper than her own self-interest. Whilst she will not act carelessly or rashly, she is not adverse to backstabbing, lying and even outright murder in order to secure the position of the Fire Nation and herself. She will always keep this in mind, and actively pursues any opportunity that might further herself or her Nation over others.
Monster: Even Azula's own mother knew she was a monster. She was right.
Azula is one of those rare people who not only recognises that she is evil, but accepts it wholeheartedly. She is a sadist who enjoys nothing more than crushing the will and spirit of others and causing them physical pain. This fact not only makes it difficult for others to have any genuine affection for her - she rarely shows any for any other person - but also means that she will often go to elaborate lengths NOT to kill her enemies. When they are dead, they can't suffer any more; she would rather seal them away in prison to rot for the rest of their days, or make them watch as she crushes their homes and families. She is happy to murder people who she doesn't consider important, but if Azula knows your name? She will probably want a more elaborate downfall for you than simple death.
Noblesse Oblige: Azula is a Princess, bound to the duties and responsibilities that entails.
Azula's obligations to the Fire Nation mean that she is prohibited in what actions she can take. She must always consider the wider political ramifications of her actions should she be seen to be acting as a representative of the Fire Nation, and she must answer to her father if things go wrong. She must be able to justify how she spends her time, and more importantly, obtain concrete results for the Fire Nation and its people, or she will be deemed a failure and suffer disgrace, just like her miserable brother.

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