Lyona Airaldi (Dropped)

Lyona Airaldi
World: Monster Rancher-1
Actual Age: 19
Apparent Age: 20s
Quote: "I'm not gonna sit here and lecture you about how what you're doing is wrong, how it's hurting others, all that garbage. Because you know what? You probably won't give a crap about that. What I -AM- gonna do, is get these monsters o' mine to pound you into oblivion. Or just hit you 'till you stop doing what you're doing. Whichever comes first."
Role: FIMBA Breeder
Species: Human


It can be said that Lyona had the best of both worlds growing up. With both her father's knowledge of monster combat and her mother's knowledge of how to raise a monster with love and care, Lyona is a C rank monster Breeder now and quickly setting her sights on the upper eschelons. Lyona is tomboyish to the point of being mannish, and her odd propensity for raising volatile, dark, and ill-tempered monsters has won her some strange looks from fellow breeders... and more than a few scars over her career. Not surprising considering the massive scythes, claws, fangs, bodyslams, fire abilities, and energy draining abilities that some of these scary monsters are capable of. Nonetheless, she keeps her frightening monsters close at hand, despite the dangers. What this translates to is these dark, scary monsters are willing to do anything to defend their breeder!


Monster Training: Train the Monsters of the Nettle Kingdom.
It's called a MONSTER for a reason; they can harm a careless breeder. Monsters' lifespans vary, but are generally between 10 and 20 years, barring accidents/abuse. Which is all well and good, since training them can take years. Her skills can translate to other creatures, too -- monsters are, at their heart, simply very clever animals. As examples, Lyona can generally predict an animal's mood and what their most likely course of action is; she knows how to show no fear when dealing with "scary" creatures like growling dogs, wolves, possibly even dragons -- as the last actually exist in her world in some form -- she knows how to calm an upset animal, etc.


"Mayhem", the Joker< C-Tier Named >: Scythe-bearing ghost monster with fire and spirit drain abilities.
Mayhem is the strongest of Lyona's monsters. One of a line of Jokers (a family of monsters consisting of either a clown mask or a blank face mask with spiked hair -- Mayhem is the latter type -- a cloak, and a pair of gauntlets that hold a large scythe) to bear the name, latest in line to inherit the heart of the previous "Mayhem". This has given it strength and knowledge beyond the typical Joker. Its scythe, coupled with Mayhem's great strength, is easily capable of cutting through the trunk of a large tree. It can punch opponents, create spirit slashes to attack from afar, attack with magical negative energy and flame, and drain strength from opponents. It can reason on a nearly human level; however, like most typical monsters it cannot speak. It seems to have a bit of a prankster nature, shared with its more clown-like relatives. But it is also the most devoted to Lyona, due to its remorse for being responsible for her missing eye. (
"Demon", the Gitan< D-Tier Named >: Vaguely bunny-like creature with trident and elemental abilities.
Demon (though it prefers "Lord Demon, the Death of All Purity") is under the impression that it is a lord of hell ascendant. However, while it manages to convince itself that what it's doing is evil, but it usually just ends up helping others. Demon is capable of breathing fire, summoning small lightning bolts, slapping with its long ears (the fanglike projections on those long ears probably hurt too), stabbing/bludgeoning with or throwing the small trident it carries, or "spitting out" a group of large laser-firing orbs that vaguely resemble it. It's also constantly levitating, so it can get itself over obstacles on the ground, though it's too small to carry anyone else. Its size is useful for looking into small areas, particularly those high off of the ground, such as small ledges that are difficult to reach by climbing. (
"Knight", the Centurion< C-Tier Named >: A giant, armored beetle with claws/horn, charge/sonic attacks, and flight.
Knight is a Centurion, a crossbreed of Beaclon (a giant rhinoceros beetle monster) and a Durahan (an animated suit of platemail). This gives it a lot of durability, but its mobility suffers as a result. It's also quite top-heavy, so it's vulnerable to getting pushed off-balance (where it will suffer the "beetle stuck on its back" fate). Its armor makes it the ideal monster for protecting others from attacks, as it can tank an RPG round with little more than a dent to show for it. Offensively its hard armor also comes in handy as a weapon, as it can punch with its massive hands, scratch with the claws on those massive hands, spin to strike enemies with its hands, charge to run into/over an enemy, or stab/uppercut enemies with its large, sharp horn. It can also vibrate its wings quickly enough to cause sonic damage, and it's able to carry a single human-sized passenger as it flies. Knight is very much like his namesake in his personality, putting itself in danger to protect those weaker than it, and easily growing upset when it fails in doing so. (


Missing Eye: Lyona's missing her right eye.
When she was young, Lyona lost her right eye to her Joker, Mayhem (her father's at the time). This means her depth perception suffers when she needs to aim a ranged attack or weapon herself, and the side on which she is missing the eye is a big huge blind spot that she can be surprised on. The astute will also be able to use this to tell how much she trusts a person -- if she allows the person inquestion on her blind side, she trusts this person.
Monsters Are Monsters: They don't have human intelligence; they're like very dangerous animals.
The monsters of Lyona's world aren't generally quite human-level intelligence. Certain individual specimens can be -- Suzaku the Phoenix Lord definitely is, possibly some of the mechanical monsters could be -- but as a rule most monsters cannot communicate on a human level. This means that Lyona is basically carrying around three very dangerous beings that could hurt someone who approaches them wrong (as Lyona's own missing eye attests to the truth of).
Poke and Hope: Monster training is not an exact science.
Due to most monsters not being of human-level intelligence, it takes time and work to build a relationship of trust between Breeder and monsters. It also takes time for a monster to understand what its trainer wants it to do when a command is called out. Sometimes they can get confused in battle; this can leave the monster -- and occasionally its Breeder -- vulnerable to attack while it tries to figure out what's going on.
What Formalities?: Lyona rarely bothers with observance of social etiquette.
While there are some Breeders who adhere to strict, rigid social etiquette, Lyona very much does not. She's not going to be winning any awards for being ladylike, due to how mannish and very not-feminine she acts. And she's probably not going to win any congeniality contests either, with her gruffness and penchant for speaking her mind. She tends not to sugarcoat things even in the slightest, so she can come off as offensive and rude.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
264 Down On the Farm Sep 27 2018
229 To Neverland Sep 04 2018
200 Pearl Cup, Togle Arena Jul 27 2018
See All 3 Scenes


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