Kaiser (Dropped)

World: Digimon: Digital World-1
Apparent Age: Teen to Twenties.
Quote: "There is no stopping once the path is chosen, so let's do this!"
Role: A Fiery Warrior
Species: Digimon
Theme Song: "The Last Of The Real Ones" Fall Out Boy


Kaiser is a living, breathing, complex digital creature called a Digimon. He doesn't back down and is fairly fiery in personality. While there is not much to know about his past, as he doesn't remember much after nearly being deleted, that doesn't stop him from still tackling problems and trying to be the hero for those in need. This can lead him into trouble, as he will need to depend on his friends to grab him by the collar and keep him from getting in over his head. While in combat Kaiser uses not only martial skills in close range combat, but his unique ability to manipulate elemental fire to his will for both offensive and defensive forces.


Digimon: A digital, living creature with a high resilience against illness and injury.
A Digimon is a Digital Monster from the Digital World. A world designed on code and while looks organic in everything, deep at its roots it is still a complex line of zeros and ones. Digimon are no different from the world that they live on. They too are living, breathing, thinking beings, but at their core, they are still made up of highly complex computational numbers. This tends to make them resistant to many organic illnesses and more resilient to injury, but like any living being they still need to eat, sleep, and even recover. They can even die from either old age, if their DigiCore takes too much damage, or if they suffer a fatal blow that leads to code deletion.
Flamon: A nimble, fiery, young warrior who packs a serious punch with sharp claws.
As Flamon, Kaiser is a bit like a child, but he can have his moments of being mature and throw people off with his insightful look at things. While around the height of a human child, he can lift objects equal to an adult and deliver a punch of equal force. What Kaiser lacks in defense, he makes up in speed. His is extremely nimble and with ease can perform flips, parkour up objects, and even get on all fours to move faster over terrain. It also helps that he has claws on both his hands and feet, to not only clasp objects with, but while in combat he can use them, in time with rapid jabs, to make quick work of his opponents.
Fire Aura< Edge >: Natural fire manipulation and self-energy for protection and offensive actions.
Kaiser is able to manipulate natural fire that is around him. He can use this to not only summon barriers of fire to protect him, along with others, but he can dissipate the flames entirely. He is also able to gather up his own natural energy, along with the flames around him to either hurl destructive fire-balls or summon a fiery aura-projection of a dragon to attack a target from different directions. In close range, he can use this similar technique to either charging his attacks or covering himself in fiery flames for added protection and offense. (Edge Requirement: Kaiser must spend edge on anything that deals with manipulating natural fire around him and not created from himself.)
Strong Will< Edge >: Giving up is never an option when you still have the energy to fight.
Never give up. Never Surrender. Is a motto that Kasier can get behind and it shows when he is in combat. He doesn't back down from a fight and when he seems like he may lose, he'll try to muster all the energy he has left to get back up on his feet again to see if he can turn the tides of battle. Though like all things, when pushing yourself, it can come at a cost.


Foolish Heart: Leaping in before thinking it over.
Kaiser is always eager to jump right into a fight while never asking questions and never giving something a second thought. Instead he blindly rushes in, charging into the danger, and only after he is in the thick of it, does he realize he has made a mistake. By that point however, it is too late, and he knows he has already committed himself to the action. This fool-heartiness to run in can be used against him and he is too stubborn to think that maybe, just maybe, he should re-evaluate how he handles things.
Hydrophobia: Fire doesn't care much for water and swimming is a problem too.
Fire and water just do not mix and for Kaiser, this is very true. If he is thrown underwater all of his pryo-abilities become impossible to use and given his lack of knowledge on how to swim, he will start to panic, and flail around like a helpless child; Even in his most powerful of forms. Water is also the one thing that will stop his hot-blooded nature cold and break his bravo of bravery. He also can easily get sea-sick too if someone can ever manage to get him on a boat.
Hot-Blooded: Never backing down from a fight can have its problems.
Fire is in his veins and Kaiser doesn't know how to take things easy in a fight. He fights with a great deal of passion and blinding courage. Once he enters a fight, there are probably three ways the fight will go down. Either he will win, lose by falling unconscious, or a friend will have to tackle him to the ground to get him to settle back downand think clearly. This fiery passion can be used against him, as it is what leads him to normally making poor life choices during a fight.
Justice!: Evil must be fought and can not be ignored.
Kaiser can not ignore evil, the desperate cry for help, or turn away from someone in need. If there is trouble in the area and he becomes aware of it, he will be there to help. Should evil rear its ugly head, he is ready to fight with everything he has. Even if someone who is vile is just being civil or even if they are someone who has repented, it doesn't matter to Kaiser. To him, once you are a villain, you will always be a villain, and he'll be ready to strike. While he might be in the wrong to not forgive though, he doesn't see it that way. As his views of evil are a simple one, as it tends to be very black and white. Wicked, cruel, self-serving, and deceivers are to never be trusted and are a mark of injustice. Those that harm or kill with no remorse, Never should be given a second chance and be treated in an almost equal way. The list for Kaiser could almost go on, but those are the biggest earmarks he looks out for, as he knows no one is perfect, but it never gives someone the right to go down that dark hole.

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