Harley (Dropped)

World: Final Fantasy 4-1
Actual Age: 24
Apparent Age: 24
Quote: "Power is not what will drive our kingdom in the future. Education and science are the true catalysts."
Role: Scholar
Species: Human


Harley is the daughter of two rich merchants and a studious prodigy in school, who unfortunately lacked the magical potential to be a mage of any sort. Specializing instead in the use of various items to achieve similar effects to magic, this self-titled scholar seeks to study the world and all it contains to discover its true history. Polite and well-behaved, Harley detests war and battle, partaking in it only when necessary. Despite carrying herself like a noble, Harley exhibits none of the pretention or entitlement one would expect, showing kindness to others. Above all, she believes that science will be what drives humanity towards a better future.


Scholar: Harley is well-versed in the identification of plants and animals.
Since she enjoys reading and studying the world to learn of its fauna and flora, Harley knows a lot about your garden variety imp, goblin, elemental or dragon, as well as the many plants that exist out there. What she doesn't know, she seeks to learn at all costs, pursuing new knowledge to write down in her compendiums.
Piercing Sight: Harley's gaze can dispel beneficial magic and inflict weakness.
The only bit of magic she possesses, Harley's eyes are able to both dispel buffs from foes as well as inflict onto them a random elemental weakness. She doesn't control what element the target becomes weak to, and her gaze can be resisted.
Gil Toss: Harley is surprisingly deadly when throwing coin-sized objects.
Throwing money at an opponent to hurt them is a strange skill. Luckily, Harley not only possesses it, but is also rich enough to make it a reliable way to fight. She couldn't buy a whole castle on a whim, but if she enters a store she can usually get anything she wants.
Item Collection< Copy-T >: Harley never misses a chance to gather items with magic-like effects.
Some foes, especially powerful monsters, usually have body parts or items on them that can be used by someone with enough training to achieve magic-like effects. For example, a dragon's fangs or scales might be used to cast an elemental spell matching the dragon's element, a unicorn's horn can heal wounds or ailments, and a stone from a golem might be able to petrify a target. Harley excels at finding and using those items. Depending on the potency of the effect and the harvest, Harley may get up to three uses of any given item she obtains.
Weapon Skills: Harley knows how to use knives and whips to some degree.
Though she could hardly be called experienced in their use, Harley at least knows how to swing a knife or whip around for self-defense with enough precision not to be useless.
Supplies: Harley carries, at all times, potions, paper and other essential supplies.
Never found without a quill, some ink and at least one blank book to take notes in, Harley also carries all manners of useful items such as healing potions, rations, torches, some rope, bomb cores (basically grenades) and similar low-key but essential adventuring goods.


Inexperienced: Harley isn't used to fighting and what results from it.
Harley is a scholar, not a warrior. The finer points of combat are lost on her, but more importantly, she's green. She's never seen a battlefield or a trail of dead bodies. She's never been the prey, never had to deal with the stress those kinds of situations can create. She scares easily, she's liable to panic, to slip up. It'd take great effort and pressed words to make her take part in a war.
Scholar's Curiosity: Harley is definitely too curious for her own good.
What does THAT button do? That monster looks neat, can we get a closer look? What do you suppose happens if you mix these two glowing liquids? You know how all of those things end.
Road to Greatness: Harley is a perfectionist obsessed with her studies.
Once Harley starts something, she has to finish it. Despite risks to her person, despite what it might cost her, she feels obligated to pursue matters she stumbles upon and theories she puts together. Failure isn't something she has much experience dealing with, either - and while she might be driven to see something to its conclusion, that doesn't mean she won't get scared or hesitate along the way.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
126 The World of Titans May 25 2018
45 Race you to the magic time bomb! Mar 13 2018
30 Touch Football Feb 18 2018
3 After the Ashes Dec 19 2017
2 From the Mist Dec 17 2017
See All 5 Scenes


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