Michiru Kagemori

Michiru Kagemori
World: Brand New Animal-1
Actual Age: 18
Apparent Age: Late Teens
Quote: "Whether I'm a woman or a beastman or a human, who cares about that crap anymore?"
Species: Tanuki Beastman
Theme Song: Ready To - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zn-ixEGR9Mg
Voice Actor: Sumire Morohoshi/Chereami Leigh


From carefree teenager to savior of the Beastman race, Michuru has had a huge life change. Born as a normal human girl, when she was in her late teens an unexpected experimental drug caused her to change into a Beastman, a humanoid with animal-like traits. Michiru has the traits of a tanuki, a raccoon-like animal... and more. Her unique origin as an artificial Beastman lets her temporarily take on the traits of other animals, even flight or a chameleon's color-shifting, and she's learned the hard way how to apply these in combat. She's an impulsive, energetic young girl who jumps to conclusions often, but really means well and tries to see the best in people.


Physically Fit: Excellent reflexes, stamina, and speed.
Michiru, even before becoming part animal, was a very athletic and energetic girl. As a result she has great reflexes and endurance, and is an excellent athlete, with a good amount of stamina and speed. While not excessively strong, she has a good amount of upper body strength in her baseline form as well.
Beastman Senses: Heightened hearing and scent.
The baseline hearing and sense of smell for Michiru is significantly better than that of a normal human. This is not to a degree that she can track with scent or pick up far distant conversations, merely to a noticeable amount more than a regular human.
Souped Up Senses: Can super-heighten one or two senses at a time.
By taking on the aspect of another animal, Michiru can sharpen a sense or two much beyond her base abilities. Like many of her metamorphic abilities, this requires selecting a single animal and she can only use those sense boosts, she cannot normally mix and match. So she can have a rabbit's keen hearing, a wolf's sense of smell and tracking, or an eagle's eyesight, but only one at a time.
Bestial Boost: Can temporarily boost one physical attribute.
By taking an aspect of an animal and shifting to take that animal's traits, Michiru can boost a physical attribute to an extreme level. Examples include gorilla arms to make powerful punches or throws, or cheetah legs to run faster than normal. Like many of her metamorph abilities, she can only channel one animal at a time.
Mighty Morphing: Shift between Human, humanoid, and animal shapes, and chameleon color change.
Michiru's normal form is that of a human-like tanuki girl, which is much like a raccoon with different striping. With her shapeshifting abilities, she can appear like a normal human, or as that of another species of animal-girl. She can even take on completely animal forms, but all of these must be animals normally found in nature. She can replicate reptiles, avians, and mammals, but not fish or amphibians or anything further from the above list. This is not a disguise ability, either; Michiru will always look the same when she takes a new form, and cannot mimic specific people. Michiru's size cannot alter drastically either, limiting her to roughly a 25% size change either way(from 75% to 125% of her normal size). She has learned how to mimic chameleon skin though, allowing her to blend in with the surroundings around her. This alters her scent somewhat but those familiar with her scent can still identify her.
Awesome Atavism: Can add natural armor or animal attacks and fur for protection.
When shifting between animal aspects, Michiru can take on aspects like a rhino's tough hide, a turtle's shell, a bird's talons, or alligator jaws and teeth. She often adds layers of fur for protection, and in her natural form she can expand her tail into a protective ball of thick fluff. This gives her options for natural weapons and armor.
Fantastic Flight: Michiru can fly like a large bird and carry heavy loads. Survives high falls.
Even in her base form, Michiru's control over her tail lets her use it as a cushion for falls from heights that would be dangerous for most, though extremely high falls would still be deadly. She can also take on avian aspects to grow wings, and can carry others with her. When focused entirely on an avian form she has excellent maneuverability and speed, and can even carry loads around that of a pickup truck. She is able to use wings in non-avian forms but her speed, maneuverability, and carrying capacity are drastically less, letting her carry at most one person with her in 'mixed' forms. This use of wings is the sole exception to the limitation of 'one species allowed' mentioned in the other Perks.
Athletic: Good at most sports, basic hand to hand combat skills.
When human, Michiru was a lover of sports and athletics, especially basketball. After her change into a Beastman, she became a well-known baseball player as well. The upshot of this is that Michiru has a lot of experience with team sports and games like these, giving her a good grasp on even new sports she hasn't played, and a basic grasp of team tactics and the use of positions and roles. It has also given her some very basic sparring experience from dabbling in competitive martial arts, but a true trained fighter has much more finesse.


Impulsive: Tends to hurry to take action instead of waiting to see.
Michiru's a very active girl, and doesn't like to sit still and bide her time. She isn't incapable of making a plan and following through on it, but the plan has to actually be doing something. 'Wait and see' is very difficult for her. 'Wait and pounce' she can handle, but if she's not acting on what she knows she gets fidgety and is prone to just going off and doing her own thing even if it's a bad idea. Needless to say, she tends to jump into action without thinking as well.
Jumps to Conclusions: Makes fully-fleshed theories off of assumptions and little data.
When snooping around like she tends to do, Michiru will sometimes stumble onto information that isn't well-known. Rather than meticulously assemble a fully-formed picture by scraping together evidence, she will immediately launch into an assumption and act upon it. If she doesn't have enough evidence to support acting directly, she'll go right away toward trying to find more supporting evidence... which sounds like a good thing, but not when she tends to focus overly much on it and can easily take things out of context. Long story short, she tends to go on a lot of wild goose chases.
Trusting: A little too quick to accept what people say at face value.
It isn't that Michiru is never suspicious of motives, but she's quick to accept explanations that make sense to her. Someone telling her they have nothing but good intentions while sipping a glass of blood and sitting on a throne of bones isn't going to fool her, but a criminal trying to pass off their behavior as just helping sick orphans is more than likely going to work. Even when she is suspicious of people, she will often quickly agree to compromises simply because she doesn't often look for alternatives, making her easy to dupe and manipulate.
Lockout: Can't mix and match species traits much.
A very minor and rarely-important problem is that her shapeshifting to gain the abilities of other animals is limited to one animal at a time, with the exception of wings. This applies even accross Perks, so using a rabbit's hearing means she can't use a gorilla's strength. Given how quickly she can shift forms this is rarely a problem, but it could come up in narrow circumstances.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1080 The Magic Kingdom Part 3 Sep 14 2022
835 Entanglements Jun 08 2021
790 The Package Feb 07 2021
See All 3 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.