Astra Alexander (Dropped)

Astra Alexander
World: Original
Actual Age: 17
Apparent Age: 17
Quote: Someday, you'll see me soar!
Role: Engineering Prodigy
Species: Human
Theme Song: Wings, Wild Arms 3.


Astra is a teenage girl from the small town of Bon Bonne who's more than she appears on the surface. She's on a seemingly idealistic and near-impossible journey to stop the storms that are beginning to tear apart the world of Van Patissierie. She lives isolated on the edge of town and works on scientific discoveries and creations that seem to be missing something necessary. Despite being alone she's still quite determined to connect with outsiders but she finds it difficult to do so. The visiting Roshtonari doesn't help with this matter and despite suffering partial memory loss seems to be resentful of them for reasons she's not quite sure of. Despite her awkwardness around others she manages to remain upbeat to most people who aren't from Roshtonari.


Engineering Genius: Due to her intelligence, Astra knows how to build and fix every-day machinery.
Astra is quite intelligent and has been building simple everyday machines from an early age. Shes able to create devices on par with 20th century home appliances. Shes also able to repair them. She doesnt have the programming knowledge or technology to create a CPU or AI though. These are only designed for practical uses and aren't combat capable.
Strong Minded: Despite everything she's been through Astra's remains determined.
Astra received special medical treatment after the crash. As a result she's highly resistant against mind control, hypnosis and mental attacks. It helps that's she also a strong will as well and is determined to succeed.


Eager to Please: Astra wants people to like her again and will go out of the way to do so.
Astra wants to get people to like her again after being a pariah in Bon Bonne. While she's not certain not a pushover she'll go out of her way to help people and is afraid of them not liking her. She's not a natural leader and prefers others to take charge.
Rage Against the Roshtonari: For partially unclear reasons, Astra hates the Roshtonari above everything else.
Astra can't stand the Roshtonari for reasons herself she can't fully understand. Given that they're currently visiting Van Patissierie this is a quite a problem for her and anyone she associates with. Especially since she has no way of hurting them she's pretty much limited to yelling them.
Social Outcast: Astra's barely tolerated where she lives and trying to redeem herself.
Astra has been an outcast in her home village of Bon Bonne for years. As a result she cant count on them for help and she has quite a negative reputation in town. Seeing how Bon Bonne is the only major town still inhabited on Van Patissierie this means she has to survive on her own. While Astras managed to remain upbeat she feels a great deal of guilt and is looking for a chance to redeem herself. She knows she has to do something major like stop the storms. Her smaller attempts like gifting machines to the residents of Bon Bonne have so far been rejected.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
568 Scardust (FINAL) Sep 14 2019
563 Scardust (9) Sep 07 2019
548 Scardust (8) Aug 03 2019
543 Scardust (7) Jul 20 2019
539 Scardust (6) Jul 13 2019
499 Scardust (5) May 25 2019
489 Scardust (4) May 18 2019
483 Scardust (3) May 11 2019
463 Scardust (2) Apr 06 2019
446 Scardust (1) Mar 16 2019
See All 10 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.