Geir Adelson (Dropped)

Geir Adelson
World: Eberron-1
Actual Age: 875
Apparent Age: Late 20's
Role: Dragonblood Berserker
Species: Moon Elf (Fang Dragon)
Theme Song: Dragonforce - "Where Dragons Rule"


While currently trapped in the physical body of an elven woman, Atalltonngeir, currently using the moniker Geir Adelson, is most certainly not what she seems. An ancient dragon lurks under the surface, seemingly just under her skin. Her world was dangerous - but she was part of that danger. Now? She only wants to return to her former glory, and - barring that - to find a good, satisfying fight. While not new to mortal society, Geir is still quite unpredictable, and most would do well not to provoke the ancient beast - fang dragons got their name for a reason. Despite her predicament, she's still a terrifying sight in battle, a whirling, screeching flurry of massive sword strikes and supernatural strength.


Supernatural Strength: Geir's physical strength is far higher than her figure would otherwise allow.
As an ancient dragon, especially one with anti-magic properties built-in like Geir, even True Polymorph can't quite do the job - She retains several physical features not typical to her polymorphed race, and more importantly, her strength is far, far higher than her frame would otherwise suggest. She can lift up to a ton with minimal effort, but anything north of that requires her to augment her strength or struggle mightily.
Enhanced Senses: A deeply magical apex predator's senses in a humanoid body.
Originally capable of supernaturally tracking her prey, Geir's current situation has dampened this considerably - Her senses are still far higher than any mortal creature, by far. She can see and track heat signatures, echolocate if need be, can see nearly as easily in the dark as full light, and can track a scent better than a bloodhound. These are malleable; She can tweak her senses at will if necessary, down to standard human levels and up to their maximum, and can consciously choose which sense to control.
Perfect Mimicry: Geir can perfectly mimic any person's voice, or any animal noise.
Fang Dragons are almost all muscle - and adept at manipulating that muscle to do insane physical feats that terrify even other ancient wyrms. This also applies to their throats - Fang dragons are cunning, deceptive, and perfect mimics, able to perfectly replicate any voice. They often use this ability to lure unaware or unsuspecting prey into its waiting talons. Geir can even imitate her original body's voice - decibels and all, if necessary.
Draconic Rage: Increased offense and defense, partial access to dragon traits.
Stuck in a mortal body, heavily restrained with only (comparatively) paltry access to her original strength, Geir nevertheless can, through sheer force of will, temporarily 'gnaw' at the True Polymorph spell that restricts her, allowing her to warp her limbs, muscles, and anatomy into a closer approximation of her original body. Horns, claws, tail, even entire limbs, and most terrifyingly: Fangs. The angrier she gets, the more effective this is, but never enough to fully erode the spell.
Greatsword Mastery: Geir's massive dragontooth blade moves as swiftly as a rapier in her grasp.
Geir's sword is made from one of her own cast off fangs, crafted by her own hand and heavily enchanted by a rather unwilling cadre of gnomes. More than 400 lbs and nine feet from tip to pommel, the massive weapon is light as a feather in her hands, and tied directly to her draconic essence - it's a part of her body, and she weilds it as such.
Soul Bite< Edge >: While raging, Geir's bite and sword can deal damage directly to magical essence.
The most terrifying aspect of the Fang Dragons is not their raw physical power, nor their cunning - It's the fact that they can bite directly into the stuff of creation, effectively shattering magic on contact and dealing damage directly to an enemy's astral form or soul. This requires Geir to have been raging for at least five minutes, and is incredibly draining to her, as the ability interacts badly with her polymorphed body, essentially eroding her body in exchange and causing severe internal damage.
Supernatural Endurance: Geir's skin can deflect mundane weapons, and her regeneration is enhanced.
Geir is not a heavily defensive fighter by any stretch of the imagination. However, her skin is as hard as dragonkin scales despite its appearance, and she regenerates supernaturally fast, though most of this regenerative ability is usually tied up in keeping her from literally bursting apart at the seams while fighting. It doesn't grant her any immunity to attacks, but simply makes her far tougher to hurt substantially unless you're aiming to kill. Hurt her enough, and she'll go down just like any person - it just takes a little longer to get her to that point.


Menacing: Geir is incredibly tall, dressed intimidatingly, and threatens to bite everyone.
The polymorph spell on Geir is slowly eroding, and even early on, she can, at will, project an aura of menace perceptible even to the most average commoner. She tends to turn this effect down, but never completely off - at its lowest, she's still deeply unsettling to be around, almost like the dragon underneath is fighting to break through.
Unpredictable: Geir's behavior is chaotic and unpredictable at the best of times.
First and foremost; Geir is not human. She's not even an elf. She's a dragon, and has been one for almost 1000 years - She's old, she's powerful, and she does not respect or understand mortal morality. Few can call her friend, and only they can count on her support - sometimes, at least.
Body Horror: Geir's rage transformations are visceral and usually quite disgusting to see.
Being anywhere near Geir in a fight is likely to turn most stomachs - As she rages, her flesh twists and rips and reveals scale, muscle, and razor-sharp protrusions below, often growing far out of proportion to the rest of her body. She's a bloody, disgusting mess even when a fight goes in her favor.
Exhaustion: Geir's rage powers her abilities, but destroys her body in exchange.
Most of Geir's abilities erode at the spell that's changed her body. While her regeneration is generally enough to keep this in check, thus preventing her from practically liquefying due to the clash of spells within her, pushing beyond this delicate equilibrium through emotional force causes severe issues, often causing massive internal damage. While her regeneration often amps up to match her battle state, pushing past it too far, too fast, basically causes her body to break down from the inside out, eventually outpacing her regeneration and forcing her to continue through force of will - until she just collapses. She can generally recover with, at most, a few days' rest from a long and hard battle, but overuse can overload her mid-battle, effectively 'killing' her until her regeneration kicks in again to resume her punishment.
Bullheaded: Stubborn, greedy, and selfish; Geir's not a team player.
Geir's not so much just stubborn as she is dead set on her goals to the exclusion of everything else. She's efficient and doesn't like wasting time on the smallest of missions, and when it's something personally important to her, like, say, possibly ridding herself of her 'curse'? Well, there's little chance that anyone will be able to deter her from her path, unless they're willing and able to fight her. This is often to her detriment - she's greedy, selfish, and stubborn: Those make her incredibly difficult to reason with once she's chosen her next goal.
Dragon Jokes Are Terrible: Perceived cannibalism is not acceptable in human society. Geir does not care.
Y'see, being inherently kind of insane makes for interesting personalities. Most Fang Dragons have a sense of humor; They play with their food (usually intelligent humanoids), taunting and teasing, amusing themselves before eventually killing them. Geir can't really get away with that in society (unless she's feeling particuliarly murdery that day) and recognizes that, but still makes terribly off-color jokes at the most inopportune of times. Talking about eating gnomes is NOT acceptable in Eberronian humanoid society, but Geir finds it hilarious. Because gnomes are terrible.

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