Gwyneira Haf (Dropped)

Gwyneira Haf
World: Original
Quote: The dead may rule the living, but I will not yield to them.
Role: Defiant Guardian
Species: Human


A skilled woman-at-arms, when the dread lich Islwyn and his armies of the dead conquered her world Gwyneira did not yield. Together with some other brave souls, she maintains a pocket of resistance. For two decades this dwindling community has been under her aegis, but it's mere survival. She dreams to free her people from the undead yoke, but knows no route there. She knows her way around many traditional weapons, is comfortable in heavy armour and on horseback. Being so used to fighting undead, she has a habit of acting before thinking when she sees the dead, walking or not.


Woman-At-Arms: Gwyneira knows her way around a variety of medieval weaponry
Gwyneira is trained to fight as medieval-style heavy cavalry. She's a skilled with a variety of weapons useful to such a role, and therefor knows how to handle swords, maces, lances, shields and bows; both on horseback and on the ground.
Arms: Gwyneira owns an assortment of medieval weaponry.
Gwyneira owns a longsword, flanged mace, cavalry lance, shortbow and kite shield. All of them incredibly well-made and far sturdier than their fairly typical materials would suggest.
Armour: Gwyneira owns a well-made suit of heavy armour.
Gwyneira owns a well-made suit of articulated plate that protects most of her body, and what isn't protected by that is covered with chain mail. It is well maintained and extremely sturdy.
First Aid: Gwyneira knows the basics of how to handle the wounded.
Gwyneira knows how to respond to the wounded, what good steps are to get severely wounded people stable and out of the way of further injury. She is not a healer or doctor of any kind, so her work is never more than the first step. Just buying time to get people to one of those.
Leadership: Gwyneira is tactically skilled and comfortable at bolstering morale.
Gwyneira is naturally charismatic, and knows how to formulate orders in a way that's easy to follow. She's skilled at rallying people to improve their morale and motivation, and knows how to operate an army legion composed of medieval-style infantry, cavalry and straightforward elemental and support magics. Not that she has any troops to lead.
Horsewomanship: Gwyneira is trained as cavalry, and thus knows how to ride horses
Gwyneira is trained as medieval-style heavy cavalry, and thus knows how to ride horses comfortably, even in dangerous situations that will heavily stress out even well-trained horses.


The Undead: Gwyneira hates undead and is likely to act instinctively when she sees any.
Gwyneira has been fighting undead for two decades. Two decades of seeing them inflict suffering and pain upon the living. She is likely to act without thinking when she encounters any, and even when she restrains herself is unlikely to trust them. This extends even to the regular dead, who she generally insists on being cremated on a pyre as soon as possible, so as to prevent their body from rising up.
Pride: Gwyneira is a proud of her skill as a warrior, too proud.
Gwyneira is a proud of her skill as a warrior, too proud. If others downplay her skill or imply that she's not that strong, she's likely to engage in risks that are too great to justify, to try to prove her skill to them. Often this risk taken is as simple as challenging them to a duel. She's more likely to ignore such perceived insults if she believes the person making them is too far beneath her.
Guarded: Gwyneira she doesn't share much of herself nor let her guard down in company.
Gwyneira isn't a very trusting person. She doesn't talk much about herself, doesn't typically allow other people to get close to her. She also doesn't tend to trust people to take guard for her while she sleeps, or otherwise allow others to protect her while she's vulnerable.
Impatience: Gwyneira likes to get the job done, now. Even if that's not ideal.
Gwyneira doesn't like to leave hanging threads. She wants to get the job done and taken care of, that often leads her to act rashly and before fully grasping the depth of the problem.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
516 A New Challenger Arrives Jun 07 2019
See All 1 Scenes


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