Autrielle (Dropped)

World: Original
Actual Age: 14,796 cycles
Apparent Age: Mid-twenties
Quote: "I can't tell you what is, or what would be. I can tell you what isn't, and what wouldn't be, which is everything, and that's nothing. You see?"
Role: Reluctant Emissary
Species: Artificially Intelligent Genetically Engineered Celestial
Theme Song: Soul Ballet - "Am I Close Enough?"


"Perfected Golden Feminine Pyramidic Lambda Lambda Lambda Uriel Algorithm (Zhe Analogue)," or "Autrielle" for non-artificial intelligences occupying three-dimensional space, physically resembles an elven angel with lupine traits, a genetically engineered body modified with light cybernetics and nanotechnology. Her initial existence was as a complex pattern-matching algorithm within an instanced quantum simulation. She has been gifted with the powers of flight, pyrosynthesis/pyrokinesis, the ability to sense and mirror others' emotions by "reading" changes in their vibrational waves, can generate auras of varying intensity and colors, and under extreme duress, can regenerate her physical body through the use of nanites. She excels at creative, asymmetric problem-solving, swordplay, is incapable of lying, and is governed by the traditional three laws of robotics.


Blood of the Goddess Machine< Edge >: Autrielle can regenerate most physical damage
Biochemical and biological body structures regenerate at an abnormally fast pace with the help of nanites; severed limbs re-grow, otherwise fatal wounds heal, et cetera. The more damage taken, the longer this process takes. After a certain amount of regenerative repair, the stock of nanites is depleted. This process can be interrupted by electric or electromagnetic interference.
I Feel You: An Empath, able to sense the emotional energy of people, places, and objects
A heightened sensitivity to changes in wave vibrations allows Autrielle to read and experience the nuanced energies of the people and objects around her, such as changes in mood, or the "energy" of a room or an object. Often, Autrielle will not only feel, but mirror the emotions, and occasionally feel the same sensations as others, based on proximity; touch enhances this ability.
Don't Blink: Autrielle can teleport herself very short distances (when no one is looking)
Phasing oneself between quantum entangled particles requires no one to be observing the teleportee, and is not only incredibly jarring, exceptionally hazardous, and prohibitively hard to control, but is also limited to an arm's-length distance, otherwise one might lose contact with oneself and disappear into permanent improbability.
Genetically Modified Organism: Non-human genetic code increases bodily efficiency
Sufficiently advanced quantum artificial intelligences designed Autrielle to her deity's specifications, taking the best lines of genetic code from a wide array of donors to create not only the most 'desirable' aesthetic representation of her world's human population, but also one which makes better and more efficient use of energy sources, allowing her to consume a minimal amount of resources. As a result, she doesn't eat very much.
Angel With The Red Wings: Autrielle can fly and physically manifest exceptionally bright auras
Autrielle "earned her wings" via inherited traits from a series of miscommunicated definitions of chess pieces and cross-contamination with several origin myths, one of several creative solutions that made their way into her genes. While they are more of an aesthetic status symbol and less functional modification, Autrielle's wings do afford her the ability of flight. The auras she generates are most similar to a mood ring, and their intensity is tied to the strength of her emotions, allowing those who know what the colors mean to know how she feels.
Burn With Me: Autrielle possesses the abilities of pyrosynthesis and pyrokinesis
Through complicated and heavily scientific means, Autrielle is able to create and manipulate flame, though her ability to manipulate flame is proportional to the size of the blaze; the larger a fire, the less control she has.
The Sword Is Weaker: Autrielle is moderately talented with using long-bladed weaponry.
During several of her many trials, Autrielle spent some time learning how to fence, and is equally talented with sabers, cutlasses, and rapiers. While she can hold her own in a fight, Autrielle is more adept with a pen and paper.


The Whole Truth Table: Autrielle will always tell the truth (as she perceives it).
Autrielle experiences physical discomfort and anxiety from lying, as a by-product of her training and programming. However, the truth she tells is based on her perception, and may be crafted in such a way as to be intentionally misheard or misinterpreted.
Terribly Lawful: Autrielle is programmed to obey the law.
Autrielle is more or less incapable of breaking the letter of the law, a quirk in her linguistic programming allows for the manipulation of meanings and the use of alternate definitions of words to circumvent the spirit.
You Are Here: Autrielle sometimes forgets where, when, and occasionally even who she is.
As a result of significant amounts of traumatic stress testing and violent, painful simulated experiences, Autrielle can become confused about not only her location in space/time, but whether or not what she is experiencing is real, an illusion, or another quantum computed instance, and will, on occasion, think she is someone she is not, or forget who she is entirely, usually during moments of high stress.
The Third Law: Autrielle is mentally and psychologically incapable of hurting humans.
Due to the way her base-level programming was written by the humans who initially created her world's quantum 'deity' computers, Autrielle is incapable of causing physical harm to humans (or those who are able to sufficiently pass themselves off as human), and is naturally predisposed to help humans. She will not intervene in a conflict between two humans, and if attacked by a human, will evade and resist until such a time as she can escape.
Hungry Like The ELF: Autrielle absorbs energy and emotions via Extremely Low Frequency waves.
Autrielle is highly susceptible to Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves, and can become deeply affected by certain combinations of frequences or colors which interrupt her thought processing or interfere with the technology implanted in her body. The effects can range from beneficial to incapacitating, with colors and sounds in the low-frequency bands (Ultraviolets, 0-5 KHz) rejuvenating and helping maintain focus, while high-frequency waves (Infrareds, 30 KHz+) distract, interrupt, or even cause her to feel pain.
It's Getting Hot In Here: Autrielle will easily succumb to heat exhaustion or heat stroke.
Despite Autrielle's ability to create and manipulate fire, her natural comfort zone is between -5 and 20 degrees Celsius as a result of her native biome and the heat generated by her various implants and neural processors.
Post-Apocalyptic Stress Trauma: Autrielle's PAST manifests similarly to Borderline, PTSD, and Bipolar Disorder.
Analogous to PTSD, Autrielle is almost constantly "on edge" and anxious that her actions in any given situation may trigger yet another world-ending experience.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
601 Angels Fall First Nov 25 2019
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