
World: Original
Actual Age: 16 Years
Apparent Age: Teen
Quote: "Size isn't everything. Why, my ego is at least three times my height."
Role: Technophile Troll Boy
Species: Danish Troll
Theme Song: Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars
Voice Actor: Jason Marsden


Though he comes from 'bumpkin' country, Taavit Gåstol is anything but. In fact, he often gets in trouble over his love of technology! Taavit comes from the Troldwald, or, Troll Forest, a 'mythical' woodland found deep in Denmark. At 16 years old, Taavit is just a typical teenager for the modern age; he loves computers, the world wide web, and music. Taavit actually wants to see more of the world; so upon turning 16, he absconded with his father's brewtoad, his mother's favorite polearm, and a backpack full of 'gifts' from his family (mostly just a bunch of random human things.) Oh, and of course, his favorite tech. Though he seems cocky, let it be assured, the 'cool kid' vibe he throws off is nothing more than an ironic facade; he is far from a skilled fighter, and though competent is also prone to bouts of insecurity. At heart though, time after time, Taavit will always try to be there for his friends.


Svärdstav: A pole arm with a cutting blade, this is Taavit's only weapon.
Dubbed 'Svärdstav' (swordstaff), this is a Danish pole-arm from the middle to late 15th century, stolen off a human soldier of the times. It is in essence built much like a bill hook; save that instead of a hooked blade at the end of the staff, it is a smaller, more sword-like cutting edge, complete with a crossbar to stop one's hands from sliding down the entire length of blade should force be applied from the opposite end. (This makes it more similar to a ranseur, but never try to argue weapon semantics with troll.) It's roughly 5 foot in length, thus allowing Taavit a good 2 feet longer of reach than he normally would have. (This is shorter than a proper 'Swordstaff'; the handle has been cleft of a foot at the bottom end, thus shortening it for proper troll use.)
Danish Troll Powers (Phys): Danish Trolls are strong for their deminutive size!
Danish Trolls are small compared to other species of troll. They are rarely over 5 feet tall (all tallest) and appear close enough to humanoid that they can be mistaken for human children (despite having tails and horns.) They are also quite strong for their size; capable of lifting logs twice their size with ease, as well as being able to run and climb faster than most humans (think: house cat climbing skills with rabbit speed.)
Technophile: Taavit really digs human tech; mostly the mundane stuff from the 21st century!
Unlike most of his kind, Taavit is not only interested, but highly so, in human machines and technology. Finding himself a lone erudite among his otherwise technophobic family, he has mostly become the odd duck. He owns a laptop, an MP3 player, tends to try and get his hands on the latest version of iPhone at the earliest chance possible, and his biggest claim to fame so far is being able to set the clock on a VCR. His favorite piece of tech though is (and don't tell his MP3 player this) his battery operated pocket radio. Yes, he still listens to broadcast.
Magic Sack: Taavit's backpack is actually a jury-rigged sack of holding for mundane items.
Trolls are known for their magic items; in this case, Taavit has a backpack that is actually a Sack of Holding that was converted to a backpack by sewing straps and a proper closing flap onto it. However, also like most troll magic, there's a catch- Taavit can only store things that would conceivably fit in a small backpack into his magic sack. So while he can store endless amounts of dice bags, CDs, cans of soda (etc.) he will never be able to randomly pull a full sized horse out of his backpack, let alone anything larger than he is.
Danish Troll Powers (Magic): Danish Troll can do minor feats of Fae magic and culinary arts.
Like most creatures of the Fae world, Danish Trolls can do magic. Their powers are greatest when used for feats involving the summoning of food and drink ('Never-ending alcohol', 'Never-ending party food', etc.) They can also talk to animals, create 'Fairy Lights' to guide their way in the dark, and other non-harmful trickery. They also keep strange magic creatures called 'Brew Toads', which sweat a potant form of ale as long as they are kept in small barrels. Taavit has one such Brew Toad.


'Not That Kind Of Troll': Danish Trolls avoid Religious Buildings and church bells.
Danish Trolls, like all trolls, have specific limitations. While they do not turn to stone during the day, they do need sleep like humans do, at least a good 8 - 9 hours to be fully rested. Most are the size of a small child, and rarely if ever get over 4 feet in height. Buildings of religious significance tend to repel them, and the sound of church bells can be used to disorient and stun them.
    Religious Buildings - Depending on the amount of use the building sees at current time, the repellant effect differs. A dilapitated building unused for ages would be a mild irritant at most. Something like some of modern day's Super Churches would cause him to down-right avoid the entire county as best he can.
'Don't Call me Chicken': Calling Taavit 'a wuss' can make him angry enough to do stupid things.
Though Taavit keeps a generally calm, cool, collective demeanor around people, he also tries very hard to be The Cool Kid. And being The Cool Kid means that he can't back down from any dare or challenge, even if he knows deep down it's a stupid thing to do. The fastest way to get him really annoyed and thus convince him to do something dangerous is to imply he's a coward in some fashion, be it 'Oh, are you chicken?' or making various 'scared animal' noises at him. This is often enough to get him to try such things as 'attacking someone larger than him with his fists', or 'licking a frozen metal pole in the middle of winter'.
The 'Cool Kid': Taavit is a 16 year old introvert who plays an extrovert on the internet.
Taavit is a cool kid. No, really. He's cool, and suave, and can have all the ladies eating out of his palm with a few silky words, and like, all the cool guys are going to want him to be on their team, except, he won't be, because they'll be on his team instead! Or, at least, that's how Taavit acts; putting himself out with the facade of being someone he isn't when he's talking to people long distance. In person, in practice, he's an awkward kid, who's only real interaction face to face has been with his own (large) family. His filter is a little off, and when he realizes he's said or done something wrong, he'll trip over himself trying to get back from 'dorkitude' to 'Cool'.
Loyal to a Fault: A threat against friends or family will spur Taavit to action.
Though he may kvetch and moan to some extent about things ('Aw man c'mon, you're making me look like a fool here, bro.') deep down, family and friends are very important to trolls, and to Taavit especially. To his younger cousins (and younger friends) he can sometimes act like they're a pain in the tail, but push come to shove, he will do his best to be at the front line of defense for them. Older relations are afforded the same courtesy, but he gives them far more leeway- he's willing to let his older brother make a complete idiot of himself, maybe get beat up a little, but he is right there to tag himself in if possible. This, like being inferred a chicken, can sometimes lead to him getting into things he can't handle.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
690 The Lonely Road Jul 07 2020
680 Death Mountain Jun 23 2020
678 Summertide Jun 21 2020
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Oh The Places You'll Go Jun 17 2020
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