Link (Dropped)

World: The Legend of Zelda-1
Actual Age: Ambiguously Young Adult
Quote: "Hyah!"
Role: Divine Beast / Chosen Hero
Species: Hylian
Voice Actor: Akira Sasanuma


A nobody from a backwoods Hylian prefecture, Link's life was changed forever when hostile tribals raided his village during the spread of the ethereal twilight that now covers the land of Hyrule. Wrestling goats and training with the local master-at-arms gave him the foundation to survive this. The next time he woke he'd been transfigured into a great wolf, retaining corporeal form and coherent thought by the power of the Triforce of Courage; a fragment of divinity representing the power of one of Hyrule's three creator Goddesses, which has lain dormant on Link for many years. As a person, Link is a brave simpleton with the goal of rescuing his villagers and setting his life right. He doesn't think much of doing things, often doing them just because somebody said they needed doing around him. He's prideful though, desiring recognition for his deeds. As a wolf, he has sharpened senses and tremendous bestial strength; in his natural form he's remarkably strong, as well as a highly skilled swordsman and archer.


Triforce of Courage <Wolf-OK>: Protection from disabling alteration.
The Triforce of Courage contains the essence of the Goddess Farore, whose purview is life. It confers few direct powers but does prevent Link's mind from being so totally altered that he is no longer himself, and although he is capable of being physically transformed he is likewise protected from being transformed such that he cannot meaningfully act at all.
Combat Skills: Expert swordsman, good archer and equestrian, fair wrestler.
Link is highly adept at sword-and-shield swordsmanship. His skills as an archer are less polished, but he's still an excellent shot. He's also trained in sumo wrestling, as well as to ride and fight from horseback.
Athletics <Wolf-OK>: Fit and extremely strong. Good balance and agility.
The benefits of wrestling goats bare-handed for a living. Link is extremely fit but is particularly physically strong, so much so that he can lift and throw things on the order of rock golems-- as long as he has something to equalize their weight.
Puzzle Solver <Wolf-OK>: Good memorization ability, pattern recognition, sense of rhythm, and weight.
Link is very skilled at short-term memorization and pattern recognition, and has a strong sense of relative weight as well as rhythm.
Equipment: Sword, shield, bow, slingshot, and bomb arrows.
Link has a sword, shield, bow, and slingshot. These are mundane, but the bow might be supplemented with explosive arrows.
Gale Boomerang: Homing boomerang. Makes cyclones, moves objects.
The Gale Boomerang is inhabited by a fairy of the wind. It generates a miniature cyclone to guide its path, draw in objects, and interact with movable environmental elements like modular catwalks.
The Hero's Shade <Wolf-OK>: A ghostly mentor; insight into Hyrule's past and swordsmanship training.
A past incarnation of Link who regrets being forgotten. Appears as a skeletal warrior or a golden wolf. Not able to influence the physical world, but can provide exposition and instruction.
Goddess Sword: A magic sword. Lets Link switch between his natural self and wolf form.
The Master Sword, Blade of Evil's Bane. It is a powerfully magical object, but presently the majority of its power is tied up on maintaining Link's ability to re-assume natural form, causing it to assume a diminished form. Functional as a sword and broadly 'counts as a magic item', but needs less of its energy tied up in cursebreaking to possess the fullness of its might.
Wolf Senses <Wolf-ONLY>: Strong sense of smell; can see and affect spirits.
While a wolf, Link has the sense of smell of a wolf and the supernatural ability to both perceive, eavesdrop on, and (sometimes) physically interact with spirits. This last ability largely pertains to beings like angry ghosts.
Wolf Body <Wolf-ONLY>: Bestial strength, quickness, high and long jump, communicates with animals.
While a wolf, Link's strength is increased, he moves quicker, and leaps great distances. He can also communicate with other animals. This compensates for his lack of tool usage and most of his skills.


Epona< D-Tier >: A horse. High movement speed, travel range. Durable, kicks good. Can be lent.
Epona is Link's horse. She can be used for mounted combat and long-term travel. Typical heroic animal companion; durable enough to take a beating like Link and escape if cornered alone, but not meaningfully strong enough to inflict much damage without a competent rider.


Baleful Polymorph <Wolf-ONLY>: Low communication skills, no hands, equipment unusable.
Link's ability to function as a "human" is extremely curtailed for the moment, being transformed into a wolf. Communication is extremely simplified barring the use of special abilities, the lack of hands makes most of his skills and equipment unusable as well. The curse that keeps him in this form in Twilight seems to consider "everywhere but his source world" to be Twilight. Extremely potent measures might temporarily restore him to normal form but casual effort cannot do so, and a long-term solution demands singularly powerful (read: plot device) effort.
Bestial Instinct: Instinct-driven bloodlust. Enjoys the fight to an uncomfortable measure.
Link's behavior has been colored by transformation into a wolf. He's aggressive and bloodlust-prone, getting sucked into violent situations with a sort of wild joy. Returning to his native form does not relieve this; by all indications this has simply become a part of him now.
Wolf Senses <Wolf-ONLY>: Exploitably sensitive smell and hearing.
As a wolf, Link's senses of smell and hearing are very sensitive and vulnerable to exploitation. Powerful spices, saturating an area with a particular scent for obfuscation, and loud noises all present ringing complications that influence him much worse than normal.
What Are Property Rights: Steals useful, unattended items.
Contrary to appearances, Link is not actually a kleptomaniac or some kind of obnoxiously theft-prone racial offshoot that doesn't understand property rights. He is however engaged in a quest to avert a country-spanning curse, and doesn't think very much of appropriating things that can help make that happen. Nobody ever gave him a discount for trying to save the world, so why should he feel badly for acting desperately in what is factually a desperate situation?
Straightforward: Takes things at face value initially.
Regardless of outward shadiness, Link is very generous with his first impressions of other beings. While this trait does lend undue benefit of the doubt to initial encounters (see: Midna, a creepy shadow being cutting deals with him after he got conked on the head by creepy shadow beings devouring the country) it isn't a persistent long-term gullibility.
To Be Remembered: Accumulates sidequests to create lasting, positive memories of himself.
While partially motivated by the plight of others, Link is frightened and alarmed by the fact that his past incarnation is so dissatisfied with the disappointment of being forgotten that he clings to the world as a ragged spirit. In an effort to avert a similar end, he collects and attempts to solve other people's problems (read: sidequests) like other people collect knick-knacks.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
414 Making Plans Feb 01 2019
410 The Blade of Evil's Bane Jan 23 2019
358 The Road South Nov 28 2018
190 'Round the Course Aug 09 2018
135 Waste Not, Want Not Jun 01 2018
132 Forward Momentum May 29 2018
90 Hints of Spring Apr 25 2018
80 The Great White Wolfos Apr 17 2018
75 Singularity of Purpose Apr 10 2018
72 Arrows Apr 05 2018
See All 21 Scenes


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