Karoze Sinda

Karoze Sinda
World: Original
Actual Age: 17
Apparent Age: 17
Quote: "If there's a way to win, I'm gonna find it! Let's go!"
Role: The Hero Valiant
Species: Human
Voice Actor: Scott Menville


Karoze Sinda is a very quiet, very even-tempered young man, tending to prefer a good book over any sort of activity otherwise. He treats people politely but distantly, and doesn't show too much of himself to anyone. Which is why it might come as a surprise to those who know him to learn that he is also the Hero Valiant, a hot-blooded, cocky powerhouse hero that protects the weak from criminals and greater threats alike. The Hero acts nothing like Karoze, seeming to draw the attention of villains to himself with his loud, proud nature. Karoze often struggles with the mantle of the Hero, trying to plan or avoid conflict even as the Hero Valiant overrides his desires and dives right into the fray. The memories of the previous Heroes also weighs on Karoze regardless of which form he is in, giving him an even more distant sort of air as he grapples with the true nature of his new powers.


The Hero Valiant: Transformation. Increases speed, strength, stamina, and aim.
This instantaneous transformation, when drawn upon, turns Karoze into the Hero Valiant. Drawing on this power increases his speed, strength, stamina, and aim to a high degree, so much so that he almost seems like a completely different person when transformed. While transformed, he gets access to Valiant Skills and the Valiant Armaments, and cannot use them outside the full transformation.
Valiant Skills< Edge >: Various special techniques that increase physical prowess or fire special shots.
These special skills are the main assets at the Hero's disposal. Mostly consisting of trick shots and large energy-like bursts from the Cannons, he can also jump in midair, briefly increase his speed for a dodge, or amp up his Cannons for the ultimate attack, EX Caliber, though this comes with a serious drawback.
Marksman: Karoze can hit small, fast moving targets accurately with shots.
Karoze is able to shoot his Cannons with extreme precision, able to take a fly out mid-flight from thirty yards. This allows him to place his shots with incredible accuracy, though he's still not perfect by any means.
Gun Kata: A martial art involving close Cannon swings.
A close range combat style revolving around the Valiant Cannons, Karoze is able to fight a close range fight by using his heavy guns to amplify his physical strikes. He prefers to keep his distance, but the Hero had to develop a style for close combat to protect himself.
Valiant Armaments: The physical tools of the Hero: Armor and revolvers.
Consisting of the Armor Valiant and the Valiant Cannons, these two items manifest as though by magic when called on by Karoze. The Armor increases his endurance and is highly resistant to damage, while the Valiant Cannons are twin, oversized revolvers that, despite clearly having cylinders, never need to be reloaded. These arms run off of Karoze's spirit power, and thus allow him to continue fighting as long as he still has a will to do so.
EX Caliber< Edge >: The Ultimate Valiant Skill: Beams of Unusual Sizes!
The ultimate attack of the Hero Valiant, this is the ace in the hole of all the Valiant Skills. When initiated, the action cannot be taken back, the Cannons locking in the command and charging up. When the attack is released, the transformation is undone immediately, knocking Karoze back to his normal form with none of the Hero Valiant's enhancements at his call, though he does still have the memories of the Hero. With those memories, he's able to keep fighting, but he is far weaker, only having his normal teenage traits. (Untransformed Tier: E)


Novice: Lack of experience can be a downfall.
Karoze is new to the Hero Valiant powers, and thus still adjusting to their usage. The increase in strength and agility sometimes takes him by surprise, leading to him causing unintended collateral damage to whatever battlefield he's on, overshooting his movements when jumping or running, or just tripping over himself in times of stress as he gets a grip on the power at his command.
Hot-Blooded Hero: Reckless to an incredible degree.
While normally mild-mannered and even-headed, when he transforms Karoze is possessed by the spirit of the Hero Valiant. A hot-blooded and cocky hero, the Hero is reckless, loud, and eager to prove himself. This means that most plans Karoze makes don't survive beyond his transformation.
EX Caliber: The power unleashed is the power gone.
After using the EX Caliber, Karoze is knocked out of the Hero Valiant form. While this gives him back his level head and makes him more rational, he loses access to his armor, revolvers, and the enhanced abilities of the Hero form. In order to regain the power of the form, Karoze is required to rest for at least 24 hours, unable to do anything strenuous even in his normal form for that period of time. (Drops from C to E tier when untransformed)
So Many Memories: Insecurity born of sixteen lives of memories.
The memories of sixteen previous Heroes are inside Karoze's head. Each of them had a different take on the role of the Hero Valiant, from general crimefighting to only using the power against the most dangerous threats, which causes a bit of a faltering in when Karoze decides to activate the power. He sometimes just tries to avoid conflict, only for another Hero's memories to flood him and influence him to act, which acts as a source of insecurity and fear in the boy. At times he feels the transformation isn't under his control, and he can sometimes be found talking to 'himself', debating with the imprint of a former Hero.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1054 Dead Men Bell No Tales Jul 22 2022
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Title Date
The Seventeenth Mar 31 2022
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