Midna (Dropped)

World: The Legend of Zelda-1


Midna is a mysterious little shadowy imp who seems to have come from the Twilight Realm, a mysterious world of shadow connected to the kingdom of Hyrule. She was cursed into the form of a small imp by the Usurper King Zant, and becomes a mere shadow of even that when outside the Twilight (and certain other magical contexts). A snickering brat who only seems to care about herself, Midna has only recently managed to set aside her stubborn self-reliance to join others in the fight against the Twilight encroaching through the World Tree in general and Zant in particular. While her abilities are mostly sealed by Zant's curse, she is still able to bring a number of shadowy powers to bear in this task, including magically-charged hair and conjuration from a pocket dimension.


Twili: A floating shadowy being who can become insubstantial.
Midna is one of the Twili, the shadowy beings native to the Twilight Realm, a parallel dimension connected to Hyrule -- and with corrupted regions of Twilight covering parts of the kingdom of Hyrule as well. However, Midna is currently cursed into the form of a small imp. She can freely make herself weightless, floating above the ground at the speed of a brisk walk. She can become insubstantial enough to pass through i.e. the bars of a prison like a mist -- only for brief periods in most levels of light or in complete darkness, and she can't pass through completely solid objects. She can also hide inside a shadow for as long as she wants, though if it's the shadow of a living creature, they'll be able to sense her presence, and can force her out simply by willing it. Outside of Twilight and certain other magical or supernatural contexts, she must take the form of a translucent but still solid shadowy figure, weakening nearly all of her abilities (lowering her Tier by one letter grade).
Twilit Sorcery: Minor damaging, support, and illusion magic, weakened by the curse.
Due to Zant's curse, Midna's power is severely weakened. However, she still has a couple of useful abilities. One of these is "laying down shadows" in a five-foot radius, within which the precision of her allies' attacks is bolstered, and enemies are easier to target. This requires intense concentration, and doesn't last for very long, especially when she isn't within Twilight and certain other magical or supernatural contexts. Another is conjuring an illusion around herself, giving her the appearance of someone else; this is insubstantial, however, and isn't going to fool anyone, and outside of Twilight etc. it looks like a shadowy silhouette regardless. She also has a rudimentary attack spell, though it requires several seconds to cast, so its combat effectiveness is limited -- a burst of energy just strong enough to break i.e. a single chain link.
Magical Manipulation< Edge-E >: Moving objects with her magic hair.
Midna can move her hair as if it was a limb, using it to grab or manipulate objects which are too big for her hands -- usually up to the size of a human, or a small boulder. If the object is too big to easily grasp with her hair, she can cast a spell, allowing her to move it with her mind. The spell takes a second or two to cast, but after that, she can move the object more-or-less freely. By expending Edge, she can use the spell to apply superhuman strength, and can lift even a massive boulder or a fallen bridge with her mind (though obviously it has inertia which renders it very cumbersome).
Conjuration Storage: Storing things in a pocket dimension.
She can hide objects in a small "inventory" of sorts. Her carrying capacity is limited -- she can't store objects much larger than herself -- and they seem to weigh her down slightly (though not as much as if she was physically holding them).
Twilight Warp< Edge-C >: Teleportation within a Blossom to pre-specified portals.
Midna can set up a temporary portal at a specified spot. Thereafter, she can teleport herself and anyone around her from anywhere within that Blossom; the portal closes after it is used, and would need to be re-opened. By spending a longer time in a particular spot and committing Edge, she can create a longer-term portal which remains after use; however, the portals are always one-way, and returning to a previous spot requires going the long way. After creating either type of portal, there's a cooldown of a dozen or so minutes, during which she can't teleport. She also cannot teleport if her current location or destination are shielded.


Arrogant Brat: She expects everything to go ''her'' way.
Let's not mince words: Midna is an arrogant, self-absorbed brat. She always wants to be the center of attention, she feels as though most people are beneath her and treats them as such, she's incredibly bossy and sometimes gets angry when she doesn't get her way, and it's difficult for her to see other people's perspective. However, she doesn't throw tantrums or use foul language; she has standards.
Kill Zant: An overriding goal.
Midna's one goal is to kill Zant, the Usurper King who currently rules Hyrule with an iron fist, and she has a tendency to get very impatient when there isn't any apparent progress. She is capable of doing other things, especially if they can be framed as being in service to that goal; however, at the end of the day, she's restless to get back on the job.
Solo Operator: She has trouble asking for help.
One result of Midna's self-absorbed nature is that she has a hard time asking for help from others. She can give orders to those who are "below" her, but doesn't really know how to ask for help on equal terms, and if she did, her pride would make it hard for her to do so -- or even to be on friendly terms with other people. It's much easier for her to work in a group if she can claim that she's the one helping you, and that you have no chance of succeeding without her (which can get awkward if this is obviously false).
Icky Things: She's squeamish around giant insects and slimy things.
Midna is repulsed and revolted by giant insects, giant frogs, rats, and other "creepy things". She can hide it when the immediate goal is "squash the insects", but when the insects in question are bigger than she is, or they swarm too close to her, she'll likely recoil and try to get other people to deal with it for her.
Shadows Are Chased By The Light: She's weak against Light-powers.
As a creature of Twilight, Midna is weak against magical/spiritual Light-based attacks and abilities. This specifically does not include "holy" or "purification" or healing powers, unless these are inherently Light-based or there is an overlap (nor does it include mundane light) -- she's not an "evil" or "corrupted" being, she's just a creature of shadows. A sufficiently high level of Light-power could harm her just by being nearby, even if it's harmless to other creatures.

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