
World: Warhammer 40,000-1
Theme Song:


Commander Shaserra, better known as Shadowsun, is one of the most distinguished warriors ever to come from the Tau Empire, a race of highly intelligent blue skinned aliens with vague fish features. A staunch believer in the teachings of the Greater Good, Shadowsun strives to be the perfect example of what a Tau soldier ought to be. Fierce and courageous, but always with the mentality that everyone should be given the opportunity to join the Greater Good, which is the Tau belief that the universe as a whole will be a better place if everyone works together. Shadowsun has a long fuse, but when her patience runs out she has been known for flying into rages and is perhaps just a little more bloodthirsty than she'd like to believe. While she's been removed from Empire and her people, Shadowsun strives to bring her ideology of Greater Good into the World Tree, along with all the firepower that her highly advanced power armor brings as well.


The Greater Good: Very inclusive of foreign cultures and individuals
While at a glance only an ideology, Shadowsun's steadfast belief in the Greater Good allows her to operate in wholly alien settings better than most. Even within her own universe, Shadowsun was greatly accustomed to working together with wholly different individuals and species, and thus she is very capable of adapting to a wide array of team strategies. She is such a team player that she might not even need briefing on how to work with other individuals and can naturally fit in any sort of team, often times making full use of everyone's best perks even if she didn't know anything about them beforehand.
XV-22 Battle Suit: Power armor with life support, flight, durability, and a lot of firepower.
A highly advanced power suit. The XV-22 battle suit comes equipped with twin plasma cannons, shoulder micro missiles, plasma flamethrowers, a jet pack, and it allows Shadowsun to survive the vacuum of space.
Cloaking Device: Can temporarily turn invisible.
While using her XV-22 battle suit, Shadowsun can turn invisible for short periods of time. This allows her to escape most lines of sight unless she's been scanned through thermoscopes or other means of detecting invisible presences like see invisibility spells or chi sensing.
Fire Caste: Shadowsun has been training for combat virtually all her life.
As part of her Tau upbringing, Shadowsun has trained extensively in combat arts and warfare. To her, being a warrior is more than just a profession; it is her very being. She is an excellent sharpshooter and knows how to defend herself in close combat with basic strikes, grapples, and blocks. She is also well trained for resisting the stresses of a firefight.


The Greater Good: Inclusive to the point of incredulousness
Shadowsun is honor bound to always -ALWAYS- try to talk things out first. No matter who she meets, no matter how untrustworthy, how monstrous, or how utterly evil a person or a creature might look, she will always try to diplomacy them first and give them a chance to be allies. This essentially leaves her vulnerable to always take a free shot which could be quite devastating depending on how treacherous the other person is.
Overreliance on Technology: Shadowsun is a formidable opponent only when she's wearing her suit.
Shadowsun has been rather spoiled with the incredible technology of the Tau Empire, which is some of the best in her universe. As such, being stripped away from her highly advanced gadgets could leave her wholly vulnerable to not just physical attacks but to environmental threats as well. She's used to having a radar, commlinks and tracking devices at all times and without them or being forced to operate on less tech-reliant worlds can leave her quite disoriented.
Limited Melee Capability: Shadowsun only excels at ranged combat.
Tau as a whole have the reputation of being terrible melee combatants due to a mix of disdain of close combat and general weak physiology. This reputation is not entirely unfounded. As a Fire Caste Tau, Shadowsun is trained in hand to hand combat and is far stronger and durable than the average Tau, but even so she is considerably more vulnerable up close than she is at range. More so, this even comes into conflict with her penchant to work as a team. Shadowsun is always willing to work together with others, but if there is one role she can certainly not perform is being the tank and usually avoids being front and center in a fight if she can help it.
Rage: When she reaches her limit. She really reaches it.
Shadowsun is not as cool headed as she'd like other people to believe. She has a very real limit to her patience and when she reaches that limit she -will- explode. This can cause her quite a lot of trouble in different settings, if she gets thoroughly frustrated with an individual she's far more likely to attack them rather than let them be. In combat, if Shadowsun ever breaks ranks she would much rather charge straight at the enemy with guns blazing instead of finding safety.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1078 The Warden: Deck of Many Things Sep 06 2022
1069 Distressed in Two Worlds Aug 16 2022
1067 Menacing March of the Mechanized Minions Aug 12 2022
986 To the Victor, the Spoils Feb 26 2022
See All 4 Scenes


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