Terra Branford

Terra Branford
World: Final Fantasy 6-1
Actual Age: 18
Role: Magitek Elite
Species: Esper hybrid.
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juORAXpgb_M


At present, Terra remembers almost nothing of her past. For a time she was fitted with a device that stripped her of free will and ensured that she could easily be made to do horrible things. It earned her a fearsome reputation among her peers and even with so few sorties under her belt the enemies of the Empire have at least heard a tale or two of the girl in red laying waste to enemies and allies alike with Magitek armor. While the tales may persist for some time, in actuality Terra is a soft spoken and kind-hearted person. Despite her unwilling participation in prior events, she's shaken to the core by what she's been made to do and often struggles not to be overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty as well as the monumental task of finding herself and her place in this world.


Esper Magic: Terra can wield fire and curative magic innately, with potential for growth.
Terra can wield magic in a world where such a thing is exceedingly rare among typical humans. So rare, in fact, that she initially served the Empire as a test subject and template for the creation of specially enhanced people that also gained powers similar to her own. Her repertoire is limited, mostly to destructive fire magic and minor curative spells; essentially things that made her more useful as an effective combatant with little free will of her own to branch off into more peaceful and supportive applications. Magicite shards can enhance this to a degree, though they're exceedingly rare and unique things likely to be coveted by the Empire or others seeking power. Finally, over time, her abilities can potentially strengthen as she becomes more experienced using them consciously.
Combat Expertise: Terra is a soldier with adequate training to make her a useful combatant.
Though not her specialty, Terra is able to hold her own against enemies with a sword, her martial training putting her at least on par with an experienced soldier. She's much more accustomed to mechanized combat using the Empire's own magitek armor, though it's unlikely she'll ever choose to make use of such a brutal weapon unless sorely pressed to do so.
Trance< Edge >: Her true form revealed, granting flight and enhancing her abilities for a time.
Though she has little control and no knowledge of this latent ability, Terra being part esper grants her access to a purely magical form that increases her physical and magical prowess greatly. She's able to freely fly in this form, able to at least keep pace with a franticly fleeing airship at the peak of her power. At present, though, her access and control will be quite limited.


Amnesiac: Terra has yet to discover herself, as such she has little focus and initiative.
Terra has been under the thumb of the Empire for a long time. She was raised in servitude and trained as a soldier until she was fitted with a device that sapped her will and made it possible for her to be given barbaric orders which she'd otherwise refuse. Because the process is so invasive, side effects such as long term or even permanent memory loss is almost an inevitability.

    Without the context of many years of memories, Terra is hampered in a few ways. Without any real idea who she is, without a strong sense of self, she finds it difficult to make decisions and move forward and far too easily finds herself stuck contemplating the appropriate response or simply looking to others as a sort of compass. Her thoughts are also prone to wander, making it rather easy to catch her off guard and either leave her at a loss socially or simply sweep her along into a ploy, scheme or wild desert chase into untold danger!
Magical Being: Terra needs a magical background to survive and maintain her powers.
Espers and most magical entities in her world rely on the power exuded by the Warring Triad to exist at all. Should the magical goddesses of her world cease to be, all espers will follow suit - possibly Terra herself. If removed from a suitable magical background, Terra might at first feel unwell and fatigued, operating at a bit of a disadvantage. Prolonged lack of magic to sustain her will see her powers fail and, depending on her mental state, the effects could be worse still. Could make operating in some places difficult for her if not incredibly dangerous.
Alien: Terra is of two worlds, yet not fully part of either and it can be distracting.
Terra is half human and half esper, a mix of beings that have been separated first by war and then a great gulf of time. Without being fully aware of her true nature, she feels far enough apart from things that it's sometimes hard to fully focus on any one thing. That slightly skewed perspective doesn't really grant greater insight to anything beyond an appreciation for small things that seem mundane to others and can lead to her being held captivated by displays that are simultaneously frightening and familiar.

    Being conscious of the difference between herself and others isn't likely to make her feel better. Being, as far as anyone knows, utterly unique can make her feel isolated. So much so that it's difficult not to want the best possible outcome from a given situation so much she might behave in ways that seem naive.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
893 Planetfall Oct 18 2021
767 Roar of the Behemoth Nov 17 2020
680 Death Mountain Jun 23 2020
675 The Lurker Below Jun 17 2020
670 The Hyrulean Steppe Jun 09 2020
641 The Prodigal Princess Apr 05 2020
614 Dusty Aftermath Feb 06 2020
612 Machinings! Feb 04 2020
573 Don't Look It In The Eyes! Sep 18 2019
524 Finding Direction Jun 18 2019
See All 48 Scenes


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