
World: Flameward-1


Idri is one of many dragonblooded humans raised by a martial and mystic order as a warrior to fight against Abyssal monsters threatening his world -- and the first of his order to succeed in transforming into a Dragonwrought, a fusion of a human with a dragon soul. With his transformation, he now boasts immense physical strength and mastery over the supernatural flame of the extinct dragons in addition to his highly honed martial arts skills. With the linking of his world to the World Tree, his order-bound duty in the war against Abyssals extends to other worlds as well -- all while his own personal sense of duty (and hot-headedness) guides him to help off-worlders he runs into with other problems as well.


Dragonwrought Physique: The physical strength and durability of dragons
The fusion with a dragon soul has increased Idri's physical capabilities beyond those of even his other dragonblooded contemporaries. Monstrously strong, to the point of being able to effortlessly lift a small truck, and with durability that allows him to shrug off blows and wounds that would incapacitate an ordinary human that is only further enhanced by his bones being nearly indestructible. His reflexes are also enhanced to help facilitiate moving at the kind of speeds his physical strength permits him to (though it should be noted that he isn't fast enough to outrun a car driving at highway speeds).
Expert Martial Artist: Lifelong training and experience in unarmed combat and some melee weapons
Idri has been trained since birth in a powerful martial art passed down through the Flameward Order, primarily employing unarmed strikes supplemented by acrobatic maneuvers. With many years of training, and equally many years of experience on the battlefield even before his Dragonwrought transformation, Idri has grown into a highly skilled warrior. His training has also included some practice with melee weapons like staves and swords, but he generally prefers to fight unarmed, so his experience with them isn't comparable, and in a clash of blades would likely be outmatched purely in terms of skill by someone who had dedicated their life to the weapon.
Warding Flame< Edge-E >: Magical flames enhancing strikes or to destroy or seal creatures of darkness
The dragonic blood coursing through Idri's veins lets him channel the flame the dragons of his world had mastery over. The power is commonly referred to as the Warding Flame thanks to it's ability to be used as a sealing mechanism for gateways into the world of the Abyssals, preventing them from entering the human world. In theory, portals and bodies of creatures from different worlds with a similiar 'dark' characteristic can be affected the same way, but otherwise the sealing doesn't work on most other portals. Beyond that, the flame is destructive on it's own, and Idri can channel it as a whip-like weapon, or - more commonly by his preference - to enhance his unarmed attacks not only by directing the flame through punches and kicks, but by boosting their power themselves in displays of explosive power. Further, by spending Edge, Idri can wreathe his whole body in the Warding Flame, temporarily boosting his power significantly at the cost of leaving him drained afterwards.
Dragon Scales: Nearly-impenetrable protective scales covering portions of Idri's body
With his Dragonwrought transformation, Idri grew scales along parts of his body. While these scales don't seem to hinder his movements in any way, they are incredibly sturdy; nearly indestructible, even, able to withstand and deflect most strikes, and Idri commonly uses his scale-covered forearms as improvised shields thanks to their strength. The scales do not offer wholesale protection to his body, however, since he is not entirely covered in them. His chest, stomach, biceps and most of his head are uncovered by the scales and thus are - even if able to take much more punishment than a normal human - significantly more vulnerable in comparison.
Magic Resistance: Resistance to magical effects
Idri has a supernatural resistance that protects him against magical effects that directly affect him. While this doesn't make him immune to magic, it does dampen damage from projectiles of pure magical energy and make attempts at subjecting him to mind control and reading, magical bindings and so forth much more difficult. This resistance does not affect magic effects not aimed directly at him, however; meaning he cannot use it to do things like negate enchantments on weapons/other people or area-wide effects, or bypass magical shields and barriers, and even things like magically-conjured shards of ice or regular inanimate objects moved telekinetically are not affected if used as weapons against him.
Fire Resistance: Can withstand flames and high temperatures
Idri is able to shrug off most flames and withstand extremely high temperatures without issue. He can even function in temperatures that would melt steel, albeit with some discomfort, and stronger heat from that point will eventually get dangerous even for him.


Honor Before Reason: Idri has a strong sense of honor he adheres to, even when it's to his detriment
Idri tries to carry himself honorably in all things -- be it social interactions or on the battlefield. This sense of honor compels him to defend and help the weak wherever he can just as much as it would compel him to try to arrange for a fair battle to his opponents. This can easily lead him to acting against his personal interest, where more pragmatic solutions might be called for, or overextend himself in service of others. And no matter what, he simply cannot allow himself to ignore someone in danger.
Weakness to Cold: Idri is weak to freezing temperatures and ice-based attacks
Although Idri can keep himself heated enough to ignore light cold, the moment the air reaches freezing temperatures, he is affected more severely than most. Staying in freezing temperatures hinders his ability to move properly, and extended exposure without proper protection leaves him susceptible to sickness and frostbite more easily than an ordinary human might. He is also much more vulnerable to cold-based attacks, and thus is liable to receive serious wounds more easily from them - such as ice magic -based weaponry - than most other sources.
Hotblooded: Idri is easily heated up and often acts without thinking
Maybe it's one of the effects of the dragonic transformation, or maybe he was just born with an intense personality that he had just been holding back for as long as he could, but Idri is a truly hotblooded sort. Quick to get heated up and act, he throws himself with a fiery intensity at most things life has to throw at him -- which leaves him with very little time to consider most of the consequences of what he is about to do.
Desire for Normal: Idri dislikes being treated special and longs for feeling like a normal person
Having grown self-conscious over how different his life has been from the normal, Idri has begun to long for chances to simply feel normal. To begin with he already had difficulties with taking praise and feeling uncomfortable in crowds, but this realization has only made things worse. Besides acting akward with these situations, he tends to go out of his way to seek out situations where he can feel the little joys of a 'normal' life... and excuses to go do so. While his sense of duty still remains, the temptation also lingers.

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ID Title Date
1036 Flames and Shadows Jun 03 2022
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