Theodore Rabanne (Dropped)

Theodore Rabanne
World: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Seeds of Darkness-1


Theodore Rabanne is actually one of the many sons of DIO, a vampire who wishes to become God. His mother's willingness to be what DIO viewed as "wicked" to escape him spared her becoming a meal. Theo is a calm guy overall, much preferring to "live and let live", to negotiate before resorting to violence, and to quietly handle problems on his own. But though he displays none of his father's ambitions to godhood, like his father he has a Stand (a projection of his inner psyche). His takes the form of a swarm of golden metallic spiders called Spin Doctors. As their name suggests, they are able to spin golden threads that can serve in every capacity from healing and armor to communication. Gentle as he is, Theo does show some of Dear Old Dad's negative aspects; he can become vindictive when pushed, tends to lose his cool when things don't go as planned, and can sometimes come across as aloof or detached. Despite his desire to live quietly, Theo's biological father is likely to make his life a living hell sooner or later from beyond the grave, given the minions of Dio that are out there in every corner of his world, still working for the godhood of their master.


Stand: Spin Doctors: Fifty 0.750 in. gold spiders; can get into small spaces and act as Theo's eyes
Spin Doctors is comprised of roughly fifty quarter-sized beings that look like gold-colored sculptures of spiders made from tiny forks and spoons, with a rather derpy-looking skull-like face in place of a head. They can get into small spaces, walk across ceilings/walls, and make it across areas that Theo himself can't walk on. Theo can see through the eyes of these spiders, though only one at a time (but he can switch at will). They can operate either in a group or alone, and can stray a maximum of 65 feet (20 meters) from his immediate location; any further and they merely disappear. Like most other Stands, damage done to Spin Doctors will transfer to Theo; however it's on a percentage basis -- i.e. the more percentage of the swarm is destroyed, the greater the damage to Theo will be.
Golden Threads: Mend wounds; make armor, rope/weapons, sensory grid; communicate
Spin Doctors is able to spin threads like that of a spider; these threads are golden, metallic, and have about the same tensile strength as a steel cable of the same thickness. They can be made any thickness between an actual spiderweb and a plastic drinking straw, and are incredibly versatile; they can be used to "sew up" injuries, weave around people and things for armor, serve as a communication medium (by placing one end of a thread over the lips when speaking and the other end over an ear), and he can place the threads over surfaces to detect the presence of people within the area. Finally, if Theo weaves enough of the threads together, it can create a serviceable rope, or a whip for combat. If he leaves the active radius for his Stand (65 ft./20m), all thread creations disappear.
Stand Mechanics: Limited invisibility, immune to mundane weapons, transmit damage
The average (non-Tiered) person can't perceive Stands or their immediate effects; for Theo this means that non-Tiered individuals can see neither the spiders nor their threads. Additionally Stands cannot be harmed by mundane weapons (guns, knives, etc.) or phenomena (rocks, stomping, etc.). However, extranormal abilities of ANY kind -- psychic abilities, spells, magical metals, other Stands and their abilities, etc. (i.e., powers and weapons that Tiered individuals tend to have) can and do affect them normally. Like most Stands, it transmits damage to the user, but in the case of a Swarm-type Stand, it's a percentage -- the more of the swarm is destroyed, the more damage he takes.
Physical Condition: Very good health, acute manual dexterity
Theo's body is in near-peak shape for a young man his age, not only because he keeps himself in shape, but because he inherited his father's near-perfect physical condition. His stamina and flexibility are his greatest assets, though nowhere near the realm of the supernatural. In particular, his manual dexterity deserves mention; he makes a living by doing street performances involving both sleight of hand and dance.
Connections: Ability to spy in his general neighborhood area with Spin Doctors
Due to his Stand's ability to create both sensory networks and communication networks, Theo can be scarily well-informed about what's going on in his local neighborhood. This tends to increase in effectiveness the longer he's in an area (and thus the longer he has his Stand's eyes around the neighborhood), though he does tend to move around a lot.


Somebody's Watching Me: Theo has people following him, and it makes him nervous and skittish
The minions of DIO are well aware of the presence of all the offspring of their master. And Theo is well aware that they're watching him, and that they're basically everywhere. This makes him nervous and skittish, and he doesn't trust new people easily, because anyone might be a minion of DIO waiting for him to lower his guard. Theo also moves around a lot because of this nervousness, and doesn't set down roots anywhere. Of course this upsets his mother, because she has no idea where he is, and he has no intention of contacting her -- what if DIO's minions capture her, and use her to get to him? Furthermore, it leads him to try to solve problems on his own, and these sorts of problems are not generally those that can be solved alone.
Don't Look!: Theo's ashamed of the appearance of his Stand and the manner it manifests
As much as most of the people around him (Tiered individuals) have seen worse than whatever he's got going on, Theo is still quite ashamed of the fact that Spin Doctors is literally spiders crawling out of his mouth. It leads him to hesitate in critical situations where his Stand would be needed, for however long it takes for people to look away, or for him to cover his mouth.
Prep Work: Spin Doctors needs time to spin those versatile threads
Theo isn't exactly the physical powerhouse that his father was. And it takes time to engage Spin Doctors, and for them to spin weapons or protective mesh. He needs to be keenly aware of what's going on around him, because he can be taken down much easier if he lets an enemy get too close before he's prepared.
Close Your Head!: When Theo's mouth is forced closed, he can't summon his Stand
As creepy as it sounds, Spin Doctors forms in Theo's mouth, and exit from there. Besides being creepy as all hell to witness, it also means that it's rendered completely useless if he's gagged or his mouth is otherwise blocked or forced closed. There literally is no other way for them to exit. With the desire that DIO's minions have to capture him, and the relative commonplace nature of "cover the mouth so they can't scream or alert others to this position", anytime Theo goes into battle someone's likely to render him completely defenseless, completely accidentally.
Surprisingly Vindictive: Theo can be incredibly cruel when pushed
Perhaps something he inherited from his father, Theo can be an incredibly cruel and unforgiving person when pushed. In general he tries to live and let live, but when his loved ones are threatened, something changes. It's at this time that the parallels to DIO become more pronounced, and he begins to pursue vengeance above all else. It's fortunate that his vengeance tends not to include death, but that's only because he feels it would hurt more for the target of his rage to live with the knowledge that they were bested by him. The downsides to this are of course that when his vision is clouded in this way, he cannot see anything but his revenge.
The Best Laid Plans...: Theo tends to get flustered when things don't go as planned
In perhaps another bit of something he's inherited from his father, Theo tends to lose his cool when his plans unravel, or when faced with shocking things that he didn't expect. Though unlike his father he generally doesn't lash out angrily at the people around him. Theo generally makes certain to place a filter of sorts between himself and the world around him, since he knows that people rarely want to hear the actual truth. But when flustered he tends to say exactly what he thinks... and it's usually not something people want to hear.

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