Leviathan (Dropped)

World: Original
Actual Age: 100+
Apparent Age: 15-16ish
Role: Gem of the sea
Species: Sea-Nymph/Sea-Dragon
Theme Song: https://youtu.be/HvBla5NUlvk


A young sea-dragon and the daughter of two ancient dragons, Emerald Leviathan led a sheltered life under the seas with her siblings. Ever curious about the world beyond the oceans, though, she convinced a Sea Hag to give her a humanoid body to see the land. Though this exchange was not without cost; as she traded her voice for the form of a sea-nymph. Even in her new body however, she retains much of her natural abilities; being an excellent swimmer, singer with the voice of a siren, and the ability to manipulate water. Leviathan is a curious, good natured, and bit of a naive girl due to her youth. She is simply ignorant of many of the ways of land walkers who she is so interested in.


Powerful Swimmer: Leviathan is better than most Olympian swimmers. She also has gills.
Leviathan is an incredible swimmer. She is faster, stronger, and more agile in water than an Olympian athlete swimmer and is able to fight against powerful currents. She also has gills and does not need to surface for air unless she feels like it.
Darkvision: Leviathan can see clearly in dim light and non-magical darkness.
Leviathan can see clearly in dim light and darkness. Though she can only see in shades of grey, her vision is still acute in non-magical darkness.
Natural Weapons: Teeth and claws.
Leviathan is able to bite with incredible force, and has sharp claws to fend off attackers in a pinch.
Breath Weapons: Ice and acid breath.
As a dragon, Leviathan is able to weaponize her breath out to a short distance, ten to fifteen feet in front of her, tops. She is able to breathe frigid ice breath capable of freezing mundane objects or flesh on contact, or she can exhale potent and noxious acid that can melt skin and eat through wood and, much more slowly, through some metals.
Water Manipulation< Edge-E >: Alter current, color, opacity, shape and freeze water. Whirlpools and floods.
Leviathan can alter the flow of water in her presence. She is able to shape small amounts of water like clay, change its color and opacity, freeze it instantaneously, and alter the flow or current of small amounts of free-standing water or water she is currently in, with a touch. By expending a point of Edge, she can summon a large whirlpool or flood a small area with a weaponized tidal wave, as long as there is enough water nearby for her to do so.
Siren Voice: Hypnotic singing and sonic attacks.
Leviathan's voice is a weapon as well. Her singing is able to hypnotize and lure listeners she chooses towards her. This can be resisted by a strong enough will or by blocking out the sound of her voice. However Leviathan is also capable of screaming with enough force and volume to deafen and stun a listener as well.
Sea-Dragon: Transform into true form: A small sized serpentine dragon.
Leviathan is able to transform at will from her humanoid form to her true form and back. Her true form is that of an eight foot long serpentine aquatic dragon. All her perks apply in either form she takes.


Covetous Magpie Dragon: Hoarder of stuff. Not necessarily treasure. Easily distracted by shinies.
Leviathan collects... Things. Shiny objects and trinkets are the best, and as such she has a small hoard of things she considers valuable. (Though most of her stuff is junk that just washed out to sea.) She tends to be distracted by baubles and trinkets that catch her eye to the point of losing focus on important tasks at hand. What's worse is that she can be a little bit of a kleptomaniac for such things, and if she can get away with taking something then, just like a magpie, she will take it. This can land her in hot water if she's caught taking something precious to someone else.
I Wanna Be Where The People Are...: Curious to learn EVERYTHING about landwalkers.
As a creature of the sea, nothing interests Leviathan more than the land and and the people on it. Her curiosity is almost utterly insatiable to the point where she longs to explore the world beyond her home waters. She wants to meet as many people as possible and learn the ways and cultures of the ones who walk on land. Leviathan will likely impose herself on anyone she can with this curiosity and hunger to learn, even if her presence is not particularly welcomed or desired, she will do everything she can to learn, fit in, and eventually be a part of that world. As 'that nosy tourist', Leviathan might end up inserting herself into sketchy or even dangerous circumstances without realizing it, due to her intense curiosity.
Naive: Way too trusting. Of almost anyone.
Leviathan led a wey sheltered life under the waters of her home sea. With very few others to interact with beyond her siblings and the fish, she is a bit naive. She entrusted her voice to a Sea Hag thinking it wouldn't be used for evil and look where that got her. The thing is, she is very trusting in general, and sometimes that trust can easily be misplaced in the wrong people.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1166 Due East of Morley Aug 15 2023
1165 The Whales of Bristol Aug 08 2023
1156 With Ashes Blowing Away Over The Town Apr 24 2023
1146 Fish In The Sea Mar 24 2023
1145 Fathoms Below Mar 22 2023
1144 Hoist the Colours Mar 15 2023
1142 Poor Unfortunate Soul Mar 11 2023
1141 My Jolly Sailor Bold Mar 10 2023
See All 8 Scenes


Title Date
Bones in the Ocean Mar 22 2023
See All 1 Cutcenes