Sol (Dropped)

World: Original
Apparent Age: Young Adult
Quote: Everyone is like a fire in someway, they can help or they can harm. What kind of fire are you?
Role: Roaming Pyromancer
Species: Phoenix
Theme Song: Fallout Boy - The Phoenix ( )


Heralding from worlds unknown, Sol Phoenix, named for that firebird of legend, arrived to realms of the World Tree as a shooting star, encased in a meteorite. After 'hatching' from that vessel, the avian had few memories of where he came from, but possesses a respect for life that set him on the road to helping those in need of it, and protecting them from those that would do them harm. As a phoenix of legend, his potent ability to control fire and an innate skill at melee combat allows him to go toe to toe with his opponents. However, no matter how desperate he may get to protect, this firebird lives by a single rule: Kill No Sapient Being. A cunning adversary can use this to their advantage. When he has time to himself, he finds technology fascinating and tries to learn what he can of it, and about worlds that possess significantly advanced technology. Due to his rule, he abhors most ranged weaponry and focuses on destroying such items when the opportunity presents itself.


Phoenix: The firebird of legend, Sol thrives on heat and can heal if enough is nearby.
The firebird of legend, known to be reborn every five centuries, Sol resembles this legend as a fiery avian, but isn't as immortal as the legends would make you believe. However, being a phoenix means he lives by absorbing heat energy and he can heal himself when enough (That he hasn't made himself) is nearby.
Pyromancy: Sol is able to create and control fire.
Sol is able to control fire with a great amount of skill. He can create blazes, beams, and fireballs, and can also control fires created by nature or others to defend himself and others as needed. His control over fire is limited, not able to control anything larger than a few square yards.
Brawling: Sol knows how to fight quite well and can mix his pyromancy in if needed.
Sol knows that his ability to control fire isn't enough in some situations. He has learned how to use his body as a weapon and can hold his own in close quarters even when not using his fiery abilities. Against a particularly difficult opponent, Sol can mix his pyromancy with his brawling.
Flight: Sol can fly!
Sol is fully capable of flying both because of his wings and being able to use his fiery abilities to propel himself forward at a high rate of speed, but he can't break the sound barrier.
Overload< Edge >: Sol can sacrifice a large amount of energy to unleash a powerful attack.
As Sol is a phoenix and thrives on heat energy, he has enough stored up that he can sacrifice a large portion of it to unleash a devistating attack at the cost of his own safety. He can do this once or twice in a fight, but to go further would be extremely dangerous for him.


First Rule: Sol refuses to kill people.
As a phoenix, Sol has a high respect for life that realizes its alive. As a result, he refuses to kill anyone that is clearly capable of intelligent thought and speech and will not fight with an intent to kill.
Arsenal Away: If Sol has the opportunity, he will destroy what he considers dangerous weapons.
Believing that long ranged weapons take away any chance for the victim to defend themselves, Sol actively attempts to destroy weapons such as guns, bows, missiles, and other things (even Nukes) any time he can when they are in the hands of individuals he considers dangerous. The more dangerous the weapon and person, and the less chance others have to defend themselves against them, the more he'll try to destroy such things. While he may not approve of allies with such weapons, he'll tolerate once his trust is earned.
Recharging: As a phoenix, Sol requires heat and fire for life and his abilities.
As a creature of fire, Sol requires fire and heat to live and to power his abilities. The more power he uses, the longer he has to 'recharge'. The more injured he gets, the more he has to 'recharge'. Between these two things, his recharging may take longer than someone eating or sleeping. In addition, anyone that's able to sap heat or energy from him can take away his ability to fight back.
Hydrophobic: Sol has a deep fear of large bodies of water.
Terrified by the one thing that can harm him more than anything else, the thought of being drowned is terifying to him, and when people use weapons of ice and water against him, it can severely hinder his recovery and recharge time. As a result, he refuses to fight in or around large bodies of water and will simply flee if combat breaks out around them.

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