Maui (Dropped)

World: Olympus 2.0-1
Apparent Age: Late Teens/Early Twenties.
Quote: "Life is too short for grudges, the world too wide to not want to see it all, and too many people to ever feel alone."
Role: Urban Explorer
Species: Reborn God
Theme Song: A Perfectly Normal Remix - OmniVoice -
Voice Actor: Dwayne Johnson


To get the obvious out of the way, Maui is, as far as he or anyone else is aware, The Maui of myth. He was born to a normal family, did normal things, and then through a series of events grew into the mantle of the trickster God-Hero Maui. That is who he is now, and who he enjoys being, while still keeping his past close at heart to never forget even though he is a minor deity, those deities exist because of and serve humanity. Maui lives in the moment and enjoys the now. Give him a thing that needs doing and he'll gladly get the thing done, but then he'll go back to working hard, playing harder, and taking it all in as it comes. Just don't try to take him underground. Maui does many things but Maui don't do that.


Reborn Demigod: Harder. Faster. Stronger. Better.
Maui is a divine essence bound to mortal flesh, which gives him the perks and downsides of each. Like the Gods, Maui is faster, tougher, and stronger than just about any human that hasn't been heavily augmented. However, because his essence is bound and bonded to mortal flesh, he can still be hurt. He can still die. The trick of course is making the killing blow stick, which is fairly difficult given the quirks of Maui's divine spark focus more on strength and endurance than the finer points of intellect or sensory enhancement.
Cybernetic Augments: Tools to help communicate, record, and even come back from the dead.
Most of the different bits of technology are fairly minor in nature; a cellphone, and a way to quickly access the internet of his world. His divine nature, however, has augmented both so that the implanted phone can act as a short range radio as well as connecting to the phone networks of other worlds as if it were a legitimate device, and his ability to access the internet likewise is augmented by his divine nature to work in whatever fashion is appropriate to the surrounding world. Both of these tools can be tampered with by someone with enough skill, but worse comes to worse Maui can simply switch both off if he thinks they've been compromised with no lasting harm to the rest of him.

His cortical stack, unfortunately, is not something that can be treated as lightly. This is the implant all born to his world have at the base of their brains and backs up all of their experiences, memories, and effectively is what Maui's soul is bound to. It can be swapped into another body after a given amount of time if it is recovered post-death, and because of Maui's divine nature that body will gradually reshape itself to what 'Maui' as divine being is supposed to be. The downside to this form of immortality is if his cortical stack has been separated from his body he is completely defenseless, unaware, and unable to perceive the world around him, and if it is destroyed he is quite thoroughly and permanently dead.
Tattooed Face: Not just a fashion statement, it lets him hide from prying eyes.
The marks on Maui's face are not just a mark of his cultural heritage, but also help him get past the all seeing electronic eyes that surround worlds like his. With a minor effort of will these Tattoos obscure him, blurring and corrupting his image to electronic and magical detection. It isn't invisibility, as there is still at best a blurry vaguely human 'something' that is picked up. However it will always have a wrong thermal signature, distorted aura, or fuzzed out features. Unfortunately this is a skill that must be actively used, so Maui both has to know and care enough to expend the effort to obscure himself. Furthermore it does not work when being seen by unaided vision, so humans, animals, aliens, and anything else that is alive can see him clear as day if they aren't relying on electronics to see him.
Parkour: The art of getting from point A to point B in unconventional and gymnastic ways.
Before Maui came into his divinity he was a man that enjoyed connecting the dots of how jumping from here, sliding under this, rolling, and flipping could get him into and out of places in unexpected ways. This is a hobby that Maui continues to practice, and greatly improves upon with his divine physique.
Manaiakalani: A grapple line that doubles as a weapon that Maui greatly values.
A device normally the size of a large pistol that can fire a large multi-pronged hook that spools very thin and strong line behind, connecting it to the gun. This hook, roughly the size of two fists when in its most compact state, can grab onto objects, the 'claws' can splay outward and grip magnetically, or it can even fire 'closed' as a blunt projectile that can be either reeled in or used as a weighted line to fight with. Additionally, due to the divine connection between Maui and Manaiakalani, the weapon's shape can be shifted to form a teardrop shaped club to use in a hand to hand fight and recalled back to his hand from a distance so long as it is not restrained beyond what Maui would normally be able to free it from by pulling, and he is intimately familiar with how to repair and replace damaged parts well enough that his divine essence can reform the new parts to work the same as those that were replaced given time.
Scrapper: Maui may be self-taught, but it's best to stay out of arm's reach anyway.
Maui was never formally trained in the arts of fighting in either his mortal or divine lives. He has, however, picked up bits and pieces here and there on the basics of grappling, where and how to strike when one only wants to subdue rather than kill and, most importantly to Maui, he learned the best way to use short clubs, given his hook-weapon most closely fell into that category. None of this means Maui doesn't know firearms. He will carry a pistol or other small arms on him if the occasion needs, but he simply prefers a fist fight, as people are less likely to die and ruin the fun of the occasion.
Palm Tree Mechanic: Make do with what you have, and make what you have last as long as it can.
This is a skill set not at all directly related to Maui's divine heritage and is instead a product of his modern upbringings and hobbies. In short? Maui has learned how to make spot repairs with what is on hand. In instances of patching clothes, or a simple repairs along the lines of 'make a thing that is close enough work it'll work as good as if it were part of the original even if it isn't as pretty.' In instances where he's trying to make an engine work by replacing a belt with a tire's innertube, or some other equally 'it could work but is a horrible idea' it'll work for a short while before it breaks again. Other things such as electronics beyond the most simple soldering, or cleaning sort of repairs are flat out impossible due to being too complicated.
Man of island culture and taste: Give Maui an island people, and he'll fit right in.
While Maui does not have more than a highlight reel of his life before this point, he does know in quite vivid detail how to work within the pacific societies of old. this effectively means he knows the languages and trades expected of a young adult in traditional pacific islander cultures. While most of the knowledge of customs and language wouldn't strictly apply, a highlight reel of the more important skills include, fishing, weaving of line and cloth, the basics of home construction, the detailed construction and crewing of islander type ships, and which plants are useful. It should be noted that while Maui knows how to fish he personally will never be able to catch any unless special preparation is made and extraordinary care taken.


Curious: It never hurts to just have a peek, does it?
Maui gets bored easily. this tends to mean hes prone to going where he isn't supposed to, poking the box explicitly labeled Do Not Open if he isn't already aware doing so is an insanely bad idea, or in other ways or means enticed to at the very least ask 'what's that button do?' He may not press All the Buttons immediately or take every piece of candy offered, but he'll poke at it with a stick more often than not.
Forgiving: Everyone deservess a fifth or sixth chance, right?
Maui isn't stupid. Let a murdering thieving warlord go and they will likely instantly go back to doing what they do. However Maui has been given enough chances, free passes, and in general enough slack from his own misdeeds to constantly want to extend the same courtesy to others, even if they really don't deserve it. It would take something immediate and unambiguously spiteful for him to move in to intentionally kill as opposed to simply disable. Don't cross that line and Maui will gladly punch someone again, and again, and again, as many times as needed so they get the idea it'd probably be a better idea to find something more productive and less likely to have all their stuff ruined.
Carefree: Easy come, easy go, and take life as it comes.
Being able to take life as it comes is a double edged sword. On the one hand bad things happen and you're able to move on and make the best of it. On the other, it looks like you simply don't care to those that don't know you. This, along with his almost ruthless cheerfulness, leads Maui to sometimes come off as insensitive or unfeeling in the face of tragic events.
No caves!: Maui and caves, or the underground in general, don't go together well.
As a byproduct of how Maui died in myth he is not overly fond of caves, caverns, subways, or the like. In fact Maui would have to have severe and immediate need to go into any such environment without someone physically dragging him there. Furthermore once inside a cavern system, he's going to be the first one to suggest leaving and or try leaving when an opportunity presents itself.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
229 To Neverland Sep 04 2018
192 Beastie Boys Jul 18 2018
See All 2 Scenes


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