The First Light of Dawn

    Night preceded day, with a dreaming moon as lustrous as a pearl presiding over the star-speckled midnight blue. The unshaped being had entered the new world amid dark clouds as a luminous white orb, ushering in fears among the population of Ot that Prince Balor had returned to crush the nascent creation. The comforting glow of moonlight cast the first great shadows across the landscape. The many waters shone back countless distorted faces of the new moon. Creatures familiar and strange stirred at the light of the moon, warming to the first great light of the world. Its light inspired its name, one given it by the myriad people who stood on the windowed outer promenades of Ot to see the first moonrise of their new home: Lumina.
    As it crossed the sky, it was wreathed in a nimbus said to be the souls of those who had died aboard Ot, being cleansed of their bonds to the living world so they could be born again. Their memories and dreams would be used to keep the world from being undone, the dreaming moon remembering the pattern of things and holding the untamed chaos at bay. At its passing, the tides began and the world was truly set in motion for the first time.
    The people wept and cheered as the night gave way to the first day, the brilliant fingers of the sun reaching above the long horizon of mountains and valleys. How else was anyone supposed to react to the first sunrise in a place that they could truly call theirs? The mortal volunteers of the Worldseed Expedition had joined because Autochthonia was a place where they were foreigners in the body of a vast unknowable god-machine. Because it didn't feel like a *home*, but a space to wait out life until they died and their souls were reincarnated. Microscopic cogs in the cosmic machinations of the Solar Deliberative.
    And so the Midnight Sun rose for the first time. The people basked in the Daystar's warmth, and with it the first hope they'd had in millennia.

    Syd was watching the sun rise from the command center of the city, what had once been the bridge of the Starstriding Engine, wearing a giddy smile at the sight. He lost his balance as his commander clapped him on the shoulder, taking a step.
    "You know, you never gave this place a name."
    Syd stammered. "Well I didn't think it was my place to."
    Oren gestured to the dawn with a sweep of her hands. "It wouldn't be here without you. Either you name it or the ship's council is going to give it some long gods-awful pretentious name, Syd."
    Syd understood her point, and sighed happily as he looked out across the world again. He shrugged, still smiling. "I guess I'll call it Home."
