Enter: The Counter Force

    In a small field out in the boonies, life was quiet. Night had fallen, and the day animals slept, as did the caretakers of the land. The night was that sort of quiet when the night insects are awake, but other than that, the only thing moving is time and the wind.
    That is, until light and sound erupt from a patch of earth. In a six foot by six foot square, strong purple light breaks through the soil, forming a Solomon's Seal in light. Six pointed star, circles around it, with script in a foreign and likely unknown language. These things solidify over the course of several seconds... and then the true fun begins.
    Hardening the soil into a platform, the seal explodes with Mana. This power is ancient, rooted in Humanity. As the Mana coalesces inside the circle, a shape begins to form. At its core, a swirling vortex of blue energy. Mana drained from... somewhere... and not even a blip on the landscape of the world was seen. Clouds overhead, a storm from nowhere, raging and emitting such a cacophonous sound as to resemble dragons and monsters.
    Then... silence.
    In the now-dimming light of the circle, a man stood. Tall. Lanky, but muscled. Nude, until reflexively, he looked down, and armor formed across his body. Chains rattled as a sword, its scabbard locked into the armor, appeared from nothingness. The man stood, eyes cast to the skies. Tears, or rain, fell from the man's face. Before turning to begin walking towards the nearest city center, two words echoed into the darkness from a throat long since resigned to never speaking again.

    "I understand, and obey."

    (Lancelot confirmed for all RP!)