Everything Goes On




    "You're late, we're overdue by several hours."

    "Right... oh, bollocks, right. Be back ASAP."

    "I'll get things ready then."

    "... yeah..."

    Scavenger clicks her commpad closed, bids farewell to the others, "You know where to wire my cut." she tells them, before venturing back into the Vine network, and exits out near to Rhodes Island.

    She enters the mobile medical research laboratory and crosses through the corridors, dodging around some, and finally arrives at a room. It's not labeled but she presses the door control and it slides open.

    Inside, blue and yellow eyes turn to look, a smile cracks the felinoid's face and she offers a microphone as the Zalak enters.

    The door closes, and a soft melody kicks up. "Don't try to make yourself remember... darling... Don't look for me, I'm just a story you've been told. So, lets pretend a little longer. 'cuz when we're gone..."

    "Everything goes on..."