Follow the White Rabbit

Sybil's car pulled up to a parking spot a couple blocks from her former home.
#-1 ARGUMENT OUT OF RANGEShe hadn't been able to get any closer due several police cars, the public utility department's truck and animal control blocking her path. She clearly wasn't a good mood as she exited the driver's side and slammed the door behind her. She was also a bit confused due to the phone call she had received from her father early that morning.

She didn't have to walk far to see the destruction even with the sun now just rising. There was a rather large hole where the front door used to be. Like someone drove a truck right through it. There weren't tire tracks present but rather large black muddy footprints. Above the hole in black ink was a crude-written message, "Happy Easter, Sybil".

The young woman balled her fists in anger as she got closer. How did the security system not stop the intruder, upon closer look all the near-by lights were out and the closest utility pole was also covered in black ink. Several wires had been snapped from it as if that hadn't been enough.

"Who the hell did this?! I demand answers right now!" She begun running towards the crime scene before feeling a hand on her shoulder.

"Miss Aloutte, for your own safety, you can't get any closer right now. We're conducting an investigation and it seems like the attack was targeted at you." The police officer that stopped Sybil recognized her. "In fact, it might be best if you came down to the station with us "

"Let go! I can defend myself just fine! That rabbit bitch!" Sybil struggled as she realized who was likely behind this.

" mean that strange white rabbit woman who's been sighted in the area?" The officer let go of Sybil's shoulder as he figured that's who she meant." A huge smile suddenly crossed Sybil's face as he said that.

"That's the one; I bet she's behind this." Sybil nods as she suddenly calmed down. "It's Easter after all. What better time to strike. She might be still causing trouble right now." The police officer nodded in agreement.

Sybil did all she could to avoid laughing at her lie.