A rebel wannabe

The rain pounds against the window, creating a steady rhythm that matches the tension in the room. Twintail, messed up hair, tanktop and shorts on, is seated at the cluttered table with her holo active, initiates the conversation with a sense of urgency. The holographic projection of the symbol of a cube materializes before her retina.

"Acid Burn." "Yeah, TT?" "Secure connection. Encrypted, get me WG." "Got it, chika. Ya viene!"

    It doesn't take long for her call to get redirected as she sticks a cigarette into her mouth, flicking open a zippo and lighting it up while the holo connects.

When it does, Twintail is met with an older looking member of 6th Street, his battle-hardened demeanor mirroring her own. In the retina image, the man gives a stern salute, and TT wastes not time returning it. "TT reporting, Colonel." The man drops his salute, and TT does the same.

"Good to hear from you, TT. You got my shipment?"

"Before that." Twintail starts, sitting up in her seat some. "We need to have a sitrep on Arasaka. I'm sure you've heard what's going on with the new shit we got in town. Joja, I don't give a shit about, but Arasaka going after -Originium-? Colonel, you and I know Arasaka's going to make moves to get as much of this 'otherworld' shit as they can just to have it under their control."

The man on the other end pauses lightly, contemplating his words, before speaking, "Twintail, you're getting all worked up over shit you can't control. Don't forget what we taught you, you can't let your emotions cloud your judgment."

    "This ain't about feelings, Will, this is just statistics. Arasaka's got Adam Smasher in town, and they're targeting hazardous material!" Twintail stands up from her couch, walking over to her window. "You know damn well what Arasaka will do once they set their sights on something, BOTH of us know the lives of the people in this city is just a goddamn number less important than their stocks. We can't let them just go uncontested. I need to hit them where it hurts, -soon-."

    "The fuck you will, Tess! You think you're some goddamn Super Hero because you did a few gigs with some freak bennies from out of town? You think you're the next Johnny fucking Silverhand, just because you got a grudge against Arasaka?!" The man stays firm and resolute, shouting like a military man would. Despite his intimidating tone and demeanor, Twintail seems to match him word for word.

    "I'm not trying to be a legend, -sir-. I'm just sayin'... We can't let them win. We need to stop 'em, somehow."
    "Fuck's sake, TT... Hold fire for a bit longer. I want to help you, I really do, but you know how Rick is. I can't get shit done without his boys breathing down my neck. I can't promise you 6th street support, but I'll try to get you -something- when the time's right."

    "... Solid copy, Colonel. I'll maintain and hold off for now." A hand lifts up to her cigarette, tugging it from her lips. "Guess I'll just do what I can to stall it, for now." As if shifting gears, Twintail takes on a more colder tone, her head leaning back to tilt upwards. "... Now, about the weapons drop. You're locked and loaded, shipment's in the usual spot. Code's 2023."

"Copy that. ... 'Priciate it, TT. Stay frosty out there, 6th Street out."

    The holocall ends, the room now silent save for the sound of the rain beating on her window. She stares out at it for a moment, lifting that cigarette to her lips again to let the embers burn with a light just bright enough to see the reflection of her sleep deprived eyes and messed up hair. With a small grumble, she moves over to her radio setup, hitting a few things with a finger before she heads into the bathroom.

    In the background, 'Archangel' from the band Samurai begins to play. At max volume.