Before the Journey

    Stelle's world was black... no, it was completely visionless. She was floating in a void of complete lack. No sight, no taste, no sound, no smell, no touch. How long had she been here? Wasn't she on the platform, fighting the Doomsday Beast just now?

    Then, something happened, a light seeped into this perfect void, she felt herself again, the light seemed to come through a jagged 'crack' like the view from inside of an egg.

    Stelle tried to move toward it, swimming through the void.

    Then, her eyes saw it, a massive being, shock white hair, baleful golden eyes and an ever-open and leaking wound on its chest... the source of the light.

    A voice echod through the blackness. <I see you. We shall see how well you do.>

    Stelle jolted upright on the medical bed, gasping for breath as the nurses gently push her back down, calling for the doctor. "Easy there, take it easy, you're safe. You're in the medical bay." says one.

    Stelle looks between the two blurry faces. "Did we... do it? Is... are we... safe?" she asks.

    "The Legion dispersed and the station's recovering." comes the answer.