The Journey begins

    Stelle approachs the tall red-haired woman in the white dress. "March said you, wanted to talk to me?" she asks uncertainly.

    Himeko's smile is soft, her voice gentle as she speaks. "Herta probably already hinted at this. She's too smart for her own good sometimes... we want to offer you a place on the Express, to join the Nameless on our journey."

    Stelle steps back a half-pace. "Why? You don't know who I am... I don't know who I am!" she exclaims, bumping into Dan Heng as he walks up behind her.

    He apologizes in a soft voice, steps around and heads toward the train. March, meanwhile gives a cling hug to the other young woman's side. "Just think about it, kay? You're definitely worthy of the position!"

    The grey-haired enigma looks at March as she skips off toward the train, then back to Himeko. "Herta said I should take the offer if it was made... she'd lose interest in me if I stayed on the station." Stelle's gaze drops to the platform, a fist clasping in front of her mouth as she thinks for a moment. Eyes lifting once more, she nods. "I'm coming with you."

    Himeko nods, gesturing to the train behind her. "Welcome to the Nameless, dear."