Warp Jump

Stelle sits on one of the couches in the parlor car, waiting for the warp jump. She closes her eyes and leans back. "The Universe... te Astral Express... Aeons.. Did I get dragged into a sci fi movie or something?" She holds a hand out, staring sightlessly up at the ceiling. "This Stellaron, thing, inside my body..." Reaching out to the twinkling points of light, a familiar voice suddenly breaks her fugue.

    "Trying to reach for the stars? Hee-hee~ I've done stuff like that before." Pink hair, chromatically gradiant eyes and a broad smile fill her view, as the bubbly archer leans in. She twirls, and sits beside the gray-haired newcomer. "But, it wasn't stars for me, though... it was lights. When I first woke up from the ice? I saw stars in front of me... but it just turned out to be the cabin lights. Everyone was staring at me, it was embarrassing."

    Stelle headtilts. "The whole crew was watching you?" She asks. "Uhuh! Like I was some kind of weird space alien or something." replies March with a smile that lights up her entire face. "I don't blame them though... They don't know where I came from... Before I joined the Express, I was frozen in a giant block of ice out in space! Mister Yang and Himeko and... who was it again?" she looks puzzled for a moment. "Anyway they saved me, and thawed me out."

    Stelle listens intently. "Do you remember why you were frozen in the ice?" she asks curiously.
    "I don't remember anything... who I am, where I'm from, my name... Nothing before I woke up. March 7th was the day I woke up, and it kinda stuck. Aww I shouldn't be bringing everyone down!"
    "Don't be, I brought it up... Oh, here comes Pom Pom!"

    "We've reached a safe distance from the station, we'll be initiating jump in about ten minutes. Return to your seats please.!"