
    "This is the second time this week you've sneaked off. ALONE. and gotten yourself hurt! You're part of the Express crew now, why are you being so reckless!?"

    March 7th is normally a chipper, energetic and happy person, but her voice, shrill from anger, is a far cry from her normal self... to the point that, Himeko comes knocking at March's cabin door, where Stelle is sat in a simple but gaudy bathrobe while March is working some fabricomancy to repair the Trailblazer's outfit from the multiple bullet holes.
    "Is everything alright in there girls? What's got you so upset March?"

    The two younger women share a look. March is about ready to straight up spill the tea, but something in Stelle's eyes brings her up short. "Nothing, Himeko, just, got my skirt caught on something and it ripped, so I'm fixing it and being angry at myself." She's a terrible liar and everyone aboard knows it... but Himeko lets it slide.

    "Alright, when you're done Pom Pom's serving dinner in the parlor car in about twenty minutes. Find Stelle and bring her with you."