Shadow Puppets

There was a small forest in Northern California that was obscured in a perpetual darkness. Even when the sun was shining overhead light can?t break through the shadows. It was difficult for normal humans to enter the woods without being lost in shadows and forced to retreat. Several members of local federal agencies found this out directly when they had tried to investigate. Animals, on the other hand, stayed clear of the area all together. It wasn't vacant however as several magical creatures were imprisoned inside along with their creator to keep them from causing any further danger.

They were being at bay by Kira Nocturne, a high-ranking member of the Order of Trismegistus. She had placed several magical sigils to keep the darkness from spreading any further. While she had managed to contain it for now, the magic was starting to fade. If the stand-off wasn't resolved peacefully soon she was given orders to banish those trapped within. She had tried to negotiate with Scura, but the darker half of Benedicta was refusing to cooperate. Kira had been called a traitor by her for not siding with the shadowy beings.

She could understand what Scura was going through even though she didn?t agree with it. The mage didn?t know what effect destroying Scura would have on Benedicta or her soul. If reuniting the pair leads to the almir?aj girl getting corrupted as well it would lead to a larger problem. Kira sighed knowing they didn?t have much time left until the shadowy creatures would break through the barrier.