For The Lost

    It was a balmy and warm day in the City of Dorn, though the cemetery always had a bit of a chill that hung in the air. Even after Matsu Shuzenji had cleansed the city's graveyard of the curse of Thanatos' undeath there was still a lingering sense of melancholy that clung to the cleansed and once again hallowed grounds.

    Mau quietly made her way through the grave markers, stones, and mausoleums that lined the lonely path through the cemetery until she veered off the main road and wandered down a less trod path, soon finding herself in an older part of the cemetery. The overgrown grass climbed up the headstones and obscured the names of people long passed and gone. But she didn't need to see the named on the headstones to know where she was headed.

    Soon enough, Mau stood before a tiny grave, staring down at a child-sized headstone and she stopped.

    "... Hey kid." The Hero murmured, resting a gauntlet-clad hand on the headstone, blue eyes falling half-lidded. "Been a hot minute." She muttered as gloved fingers wiped away the dirt and stains of time on the forgotten marker.

    Quietly, Mau kneeled down and began to tend to the grave, tugging away the weeds and tall grass, brushing away the accumulated dirt and grime until a single, simple, name stood out on the stone visible once again.

    The Hero stared in silence at the etchings in the stone. It was a simple name, just another one of Thanatos' victims that had been killed in the chaos he had caused during Dorn's previous Blossom Festival. But then feline ears perked from the sound of someone approaching.

    "I thought I'd find you here." The familiar voice said, tone soft and understanding as a massive hand set gently on Mau's shoulder.

    "I was in the area. The least I could do was come see her after fixing the problem Thanatos caused, all over again."

    Andy nodded as Mau turned to glance at him over her shoulder. The now fully ordained priest of Light could only offer her a sad smile. It was evident he was happy to see her, the dog-man's tail was wagging slowly even now as her blue eyes met his green. He released her shoulder and slowly ran his fingers through his short blonde hair.

    "You've grown." Mau said matter of factly. It was an understatement. The scrawny acolyte pup she had once known was now a massive figure, standing tall and proud as he stuffed his thumbs into the belt of his white robes.

    "Mau." Andy said gently. "It's been eight years. You can't blame yourself for what Thanatos did. There was nothing we could do for her."

    Slowly, the Hero nodded her head, understanding. "I know." But then her expression hardened anyway.

    "I don't blame myself, though." She said firmly.

    "... Oh?" Andy pressed, gently.

    "I blame Vile Darque for what happened." Mau answered, tone glacial with murderous intent. "And I'm going to kill him for it."

    The priest of Light smiled sadly as Mau resumed her work cleaning the grave, and he knelt down to join and help her silently. With the two of them working, the grave was almost spotless in no time, and Mau heaved a tired sigh.

    "I'm exhausted, Andy." She said, morose. "I can't even remember the face of the first Demon Lord I killed, and now I'm on to the hundredth. I just want this to be done with."

    "I know." The priest said, tail no longer wagging. "... I know."