For those who remain

    She may not have had the warmest reception from the cat-girl... but once she got Itana back to the home they shared with her sister Castiel, the Avenging Angel, Illumiel, returns to Dorn. The little blonde girl walks silently through the streets, lured by the lingering darkness around a certain cemetary.

    She'd spotted a tall dogman walk in just before she arrived, then blue eyes track the white form to the knelt frame of the adventurer cat.

    She can't hear their words, but the air of melancholy around them is palpable. So she stands back, away from them and watches as they clean up a tiny grave, for a tiny soul, who was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    The angel hides behind a tree as the two leave, and she moves to look at the grave they were restoring. She kneels before it, touching the simple name etched into the stone, then pulls her hands together to offer a prayer. "Holy Father, hear my plea. Watch over this young soul wherever they may be. Guide my hand to aid those who fight against this darkness. To protect those who remain."

    She kneels there for a long time, eyes closed in quiet reflection.