Interlude at the Goeta Hotel

    It'd been a long day... couple of days... week? Whatever. Stelle was exhausted and she said as much when March asked if she wanted to wander around Boulder Town a bit more. "I just hope there aren't any surprises this time." remarks the pink-haired archer.

March's stance shifts. "That Oleg guy... he seems sincere, what do you two think?" she asks, turning first to Stelle, then to Dan Heng.

    "He does seem sincere, but we've been burned before... appearances can be deceiving." remarks Stelle after a moment of thought.

    "Happy now Dan Heng? She's even starting to sound like you."

    "This has nothing to do with me." remarks Dan in his traditional deadpan. "But if you ask my opinion, it's better to be safe than sorry."

    March seems to accept that with a sigh. "Fine, we'll keep our guards up. Our last hotel experience was eventful enough." Dan nods. "One of us should keep watch tonight, just in case."
    "Keep watch? Are we space cowboys now?" asks March. "I suppose this /is/ the cosmic wild west..." March's perky demeanor suddenly shifts, and she lets out an exaggerated yawn. "Whew, anyone else sleepy?"

    Stelle's eyes are drooping, but the squeak of March's yawn snaps her up. "Weh... Uh, Dan how about you take watch tonight... wake me in a few hours and I'll take over."

    Dan rolls a shoulder. "Sure. I don't have much need for sleep."

    And then Bronya steps up with an elegant gait. "I'll keep watch." she says in a subdued tone.

    "Did you finish talking with Oleg already?" asks Stelle. "He didn't go too hard on you did he?" adds March with a look of concern.
    "I can't say it was the friendliest conversation I've ever had, we didn't exactly see eye-to-eye on everything... but I've learned a lot in such a short amount of time... I doubt I'll be able to sleep tonight."

    March's energy seems to return now. "I doubt I'll be able to sleep either..." her eyes widen as what she said registers. "N-Not that I don't trust you! It's just, you're a Silvermane Guard and this is the Underworld... there might be more people like those guys in town looking to hurt you."

    Bronya's face hardens. "I wouldn't be surprised if there are... the Guard has a lot to make amends for down here." her face then falls, as if dropping into her own memories. "If someone had made a stand... explained the consequences to..." she shakes her head, "Forget it... it's meaningless to talk about it now." She folds her arms. "Oleg guaranteed I wouldn't be harmed, so don't worry about me and get some rest. He doesn't seem the type to go back on his word."

    The trio from the Express seem to agree with that. It's been an exhausting time and they make their way inside the hotel to their room. The beds aren't the softest, but the room itself feels more homey than the Grand Hotel room above ground.