Meanwhile, in Rivet Town


    Seele and Bronya are stood atop the hill in Rivet Town, overlooking the abandoned area. "See that? That used to be the worst street in Rivet Town... and it's where I grew up." says Seele. "My friends and I used to wander the streets, thinking about where our next meal woudl be coming from. That is, until Chief Oleg got me out and took me to the orphanage. I learned to read and write from Natasha, started patroling the mines with Oleg at 10 years old, getting into scraps with local thugs on occasion."
    "That sounds... nice." opines Bronya wistfully.
    "Nice? You're being sarcastic with me princess?" asks Seele with a little chuckle behind her voice.
    "Oh! no... sorry, Life in the Underworld is difficulty, I... shouldn't be speaking about it so lightly."
    "Why're you so serious all the time? It gets on people's nerves y'know." gripes Seele, arms folding over her chest.
    "Right... What, I meant... was. I kind of envy you, Seele." replies Bronya softly, staring off into the murky distance. "For as long as I can remember, my days have been an endless cycle of study, etiquette lessons and training. Every day, all I hear is 'Remember who you are, Bronya.' 'This is against the Architects Admonishments, Bronya.' 'Ladies shouldn't use such foul language, Bronya'... Some may envy this kind of life, but I have felt..." she squeezes a fist shut, knocking it on the railing in front of her, "Trapped. Whene very choice, every goal has already been made for you..." she shakes her head. "You probably can't imagine how that feels."
    Seele blinks, "No... I can't. But more importantly." she says, leaning on the railing, and looking up at Bronya with a wry little smirk. "What kind of 'Foul Language' were you using?"
    Bronya blinks, lifting her eyes. She grimaces slightly as if tasting something foul for a moment, then steels herself and says, with perfect sincerity, "In the name of the Architects, I shall stick this spear into your nostril!"
    Seele bursts out laughing at that, nearly tipping over the railing before catching herself. "That's it?! she asks, still bubbling with chuckles. "That's nothing. Looks like I'll have to teach you some Underworld slang before you go back."

    Bronya also chuckles softly. "No... no that won't be necessary." she replies, smiling softly at the other woman.
    "It'll be better than poking peoples nostrils, at least~." chirps the Undergrounder. "Never thought I'd be having a heart-to-heart with the future Guardian... as a kid I never met many Overworlders. I just heard stories and thought you were all just a bunch of snobby rich people."
    "I, on the other hand, heard from some of the veterans, that the Under and Overworlds weren't so different, before the order to seal the passage. Everyone ate the same food, chatted about the same topics, celebrated the same festivals." Remarks Bronya in turn. "Even though times are different now. Things like joys and sorrows of life, the ties between people. These precious things must certainly still connect us all." She nods to herself. "If there is a way to bridge this gap between these two worlds, there may be a way to go back to a time before we became so divided. Then we could stand side by side against the Eternal Freeze and the Fragmentum, and any other threat that may come. Together."

    Seele chuckles, and shakes her head. "I don't have grand plans for the future. I'm very much a 'live in the moment' kind of girl... but if that's the future you want to create... then I'm willing to help you build those bridges." she replies.
    "Thank you, Seele. Your trust is very important to me." replies Bronya softly, giving a genuine smile to the other woman now.
    Seele flushes a bit, and quickly moves the topic along. "Speaking of which... what are you going to do next? Svarog's revelations must have made quite the impact, huh?"
    The mood sours again, Bronya looking back out over the town. "Yes. I thought I was prepared for anything, but..." she sighs softly, "As long as I am the guardian's successor, those truths would come