Toadly Admonishment

"You need to stop doing these things, Princess," Toadsworth said calmly as he dabbed the alcohol-drenched cotton ball against Peach's side. The princess wasn't wearing much right now - stripped down to her underwear to let her nursemaid tend to her wounds. A bright greenish-purple bruise ran up the princess's left side, while several burns were scattered across her arms and stomach. They were burns from flame, but holy power, but the result was essentially the same regardless.

Peach let in a sharp breath as her beloved Toadsworth dabbed the sterilising agent against one of the cuts dotted across that painful bruise. "Hold still," he grumbled, arresting Peach's squirming almost immediately. "I cannot believe you wandered away from your guards again. And for what? To interfere with another sovereign nation's lawful apprehension of a criminal?! Princess, it doesn't matter what you think about how just these laws may or may not be - when you're off galavanting about another world, you represent all of us, not just yourself. When you wear that crown-"

"I wasn't wearing the crown!" Peach argued, with a whine in her voice.

"You should have been!" came Toadsworth's immediate response. "Your identity should be broadcast for everyone to see! If this... this Templar had known you were a Princess she would have not taken you for a criminal!"

"...I think she might have tried to punch me harder if she had proof I was a princess..." Peach grumbled, trying to cross her arms - but Toadsworth swatted her arms open again to keep her from covering up her injuries, eliciting a whimper.

"Princess, please," the old mushroom man pleaded. "Please promise me you won't go... wandering off again. It's good that you want to expand your horizons but you need to... Just... use your head, please? I know you're smarter than this. If your father were still alive-"

"If my father was still alive we wouldn't be having this conversation!" Peach shouted, scowling at the man who had essentially raised her from early childhood.

There was a long, tense moment, before Peach let out a sigh. "...Maybe I should host a tea party or something. That'll... be more normal, won't it? That's what I used to do."

"Yes! Excellent idea, your majesty!" Toadsworth practically leapt at this new line of dialogue. "I shall have invitations drawn up immediately. The usual guests, I assume?"

"Mmmmh... no, not this time. I think I'd like to invite some of the wonderful people I've met in the past few weeks. Oh, maybe we could make it an open invitation event! Specifically invite offworlders to show them our hospitality??"

"Mmh. Very well. Give me a list of these 'wonderful people' however - personalised invitations do lend some granduer to such an event, no?"

Peach nodded her head. "Okay. Let me just check my diary..." Toadsworth smiled. Ah, his beloved princess was starting to see things his way. Yes. No more galvanting across Stars-knew where - nice, safe events at the palace were the best way for the Princess to expand the nation's interests across the World Tree. "...Oh, and Toadsworth? Please commission some more... me-scaled weapons for the armoury. It's probably a good idea to have them, just in case~"

Toadsworth pinched the bridge of his nose.