Stick The Lot of Them


The Holy City of Mullonde is a grand place. Filled with the faithful, knights of the Templar, priests and very powerful men and women of the Church of Glabados, there's an almost palpable energy to the place. All of that unwavering belief in one place has a spiritual effect in some ways. It leaves a mark on the land, and draws in those of faithful mindsets. Claudia Kinborrow is no different, and despite her wounds she's here dutifully.

The building is a somewhat humble church. Places of worship are many in Mullonde, from Cathedral to tiny little hovel. This one is modest, but large enough to stay for wounded and weary Templar soldiers and knights. Dressed down in just her red and gold robes befitting her rank, she knocks on a back office door.

"Erm. S...Ser Folles, may I enter? Dame Kinborrow, at your service!" Nervousness creeps in her voice. She'd never met the man before, but immediately after her offworld adventure she'd been placed under his command. She smiles almost goofily and ignores her aching arms and leg, bandaged as they are.

"Come in, Lady Kinborrow. At ease, sit down. Drink, you need it. Report, Templar." Wiegraf is dressed down too, pants and shirt, not even bothering with the robes of his newly found office. There's a pint of stout waiting for Claudia. The man knows his way around common men and women, particularly those who've crawled their way to being soldiers and knights. His serious, piercing gaze is softened by an easy and welcoming smile.

Claudia pauses a moment in the doorframe, blinks, and chokes down a laugh of relief. Wiegraf is presenting the common man's hero that she's worked him up to be. The door shuts, she walks over, sits down in the chair. Legs kick up on the table, and she's leaning back dangerously as she chugs down the drink.

"Ahhh! Saint Bless, Ser! Right, won't waste your time Ser, on to the point! So then, those 'Keepers' are right Heretics all! Turned out a bunch of undead and this rotting beast into a warzone just to test what it could do! Horrible stuff. A few foreigners came on in, tried to stop the mess. Good on them really! Shame I had to stick one of them, may he go to the Father cleanly. Bright side though, got to stick a noble heathen as planned. 'Jedi' they call them. Bunch of leaping fops with glowing light-stickers. Hurts like a chocobo kick!"

Wiegraf scratches down notes, nodding a few points, but letting the loud woman go on. He pauses to pour her more beer. Claudia raises it thankfully.

Glug glug glug.

"Anyway, mission successful. Oh, and I tracked down that Baron. In his fortified manor. Sent you the plan. Good enough, eh?"

Wiegraf regards Claudia, then gives her a single nod. "Good work, Claudia. A shame I did not have you with the Brigade. You would have been useful. Operation approved. What should we do about the Keepers and this baron?"

Claudia almost falls off her seat. She is being asked what to do by the hero Wiegraf. Her throat goes dry, she can't speak. Another drink. And then she smiles. Her good eye sparkles in hero worship of the man before her.

"Ah...well if you're asking Ser Folles..." Gulp. Grin. It's a bloodthirsty one.

"I say we stick the lot of them! Nobles and heathens are all the same! Burn them down, and we can finally have a world as the Saint would want it!"

Wiegraf's only response is a chuckle and a smile. "Dismissed."