New Opponent Combat Data Analysis: Goku

Catalogue Designation: MNK-0704 'Monkey'
Name: Unknown
Composition: Biological (98% certainty)
Dimensions: Approx. 130cm height, unknown weight, humanoid (juvenile 80% certainty)
Distinguishing features: Hair, black, voluminous/jagged; orange martial arts uniform ('gi') with Chinese/Japanese symbol for 'Turtle' on the front and back; monkey-like tail.
Armament: Unknown
Other possessions: Small, yellow cloud-like flying vehicle.

Abilities of Note:
Enhanced physical abilities (strength, speed/reflexes, physical damage endurance)
Energy projection (unknown composition, appears to be primarily kinetic)
Martial arts (unknown style/proficiency)
Tail appears to be prehensile

Origin of abilities is unknown. Possibilities: magic (40% certainty), psychic (35% certainty) or genetic deviation (55% certainty).

This diminutive warrior should not be underestimated. Appears to have strong protective instincts and 'sense of justice'. Possible impulse control issues. More data required to formulate battle plan. Avoid conflict if possible.

Note 1: Build broad-band energy scanner to determine composition of energy beam. Energy beam may be key to determining origin of enhanced abilities.

Note 2: Determine origin of martial arts skills.