

The meeker Elise, wearing jeans and a blue t-shirt, walks into her counterpart's room. The dominant Elise, wearing jeans and a red t-shirt, is sitting on her bed and inspecting her Glaive. The black and purple technosword, hardly fit for slashing to begin with, is cracked in two places now, which seems to concern the dominant alter.

"U-Um... t-the third one... d-died..." the submissive Elise says.

"I know. Geez, we're linked, remember?" the dominant Elise huffs.

"S-Sorry, I'll... u-um... g-go back to..." the submissive Elise whines.

"Whatever, stay if you want. It's good she's been taken care of. Frankly she makes us way too visible when she's out. Now that she's had some time to play she'll be more quiet. We won't have to worry about her coming out for a while, as long as SOMEONE doesn't let her out again," the dominant Elise scolds.

"S-Sorry, I'm s-so sorry about that..." the submissive Elise doormats.

    You deserve no joy in God's Creation.

The dominant Elise stares at the meeker one, who seems to suddenly recoil a bit. If not from the stare, from something else. "What? Something wrong with me now?" the dominant Elise asks.

"N-No, it's... n-not that, it's just..." the submissive one tries to answer.

    Your torment only makes my heart sing.

The dominant Elise dismisses the Glaive, getting up. "Idiot. I can tell what's wrong. You're bothered about what you remember from her little outing, aren't you?"" the dominant one asks.

The submissive Elise doesn't answer. She fidgets with her fingers a bit.

    Xion seemed so free and heroic.
    Zelda looked so important and skilled.
    Aloy looked so in control.
    Blues looked so cool.
    Copen looked so driven by a purpose.

"Whatever. Go back to doing those meditation exercices Aily showed you. You need them way more than I do," the dominant Elise answers.

"O-Okay..." the submissive Elise agrees, and leaves.

Why can't she be any of those things.