By the time the Polar Vortex exited the Vine portal back into it's home world night had fallen across Verdigris. A cabin boy walked the main deck to light the night lanterns for the evening and check that anything stored topside was properly tied down. Between the darkness and cloud-like mist that formed along the airship's hull from the frostburn metal in its external structure it was unlikely any Naval ships below would notice the pirates passing on their course back to the Deadlight Isles.
After pausing to appraise the cabin boy's work Magnum pushed open the doors to the main cabin that served as the Captain's war room. "All hands have reported in, save a few stragglers the city guard managed to snag." The raccoon paused to remove his goggles. "Galley is full of men with various arrow wounds but nothin' mortal."
"But little in the way of actual loot." Renya took a swig from her mug of grog and put her feet up on the edge of the map table to lean her chair back against the bulkhead. "But that's t'be expected."
Magnum paused, surprised by the lack of upset that he forgets words for a moment, before finally responding with a meager, "Come 'gain?"
The fumbled reply was waved off with her other hand. "Wasn't the point, this time," Renya explained, flashing one of her cunning smirks at the half of her boatswain pair. "But making ourselves known to these other worlds is just beginnin'. An' I have a feeling that Aranea dame is gonna be," she paused to grab her tricorne and pull the hat forward over her face, "interesting. Tell the helm to keep the course straight on 'til morn. I wanna be 'round Deadlight if she comes looking after that tip I tossed her."
"Aye aye, captain." Magnum chuckled a bit at the wordplay, he was the one that printed those coin calling cards for her, as he turned and walked out of the cabin.
"Momma only had the Seven Seas of Verdigris to tremble in her wake." Renya gulped down the rest of the grog and tossed the mug in the corner where it clattered atop the pile. Eventually the cabin boy would clean them up. The hat was pulled down entirely over her face. "This Captain Rimehart is gonna aim MUCH broader, hehehe..."