Light and Void

"Operator?" Ordis's voice buzzed in Ash's ear as his archwing made another lap around what remained of the failing station falling into this hideiously large star. Yes fine as far as stellar objects went it was supposedly quite cool, somehow able to be the home of thingsthat live within the plasma soup that was its surface. With that said? It. Was. Still. A. Star. A hot ball of incandecant gas. A giant nuclear furnace.

Ash's warframe hung there where Icarus dared to fly, and even if his archwings were not going to melt, he was pushing what was possible and eve now the extra mantinance Ordis would have to perform would amount to rendering down to any components not fried and building a new set. However, his acting as a relay for Ordis to siphon off every bit and byte of data from the station was not what had him concerned. The equipment the still-free members of star-wolf and more importantly the details on program interfacing so Ordis could perform this task worked flawlessly. Well, as flawlessly as one could expect from a bodge job usin a single man craft that was little more than a space-worthy engine and shielding strapped to their back, a lander craft, and the rapidly deterrioratign station itself could be expected to.

His mind flashed back to when the lift opened. It wasn't just the flames and smoke and death that hung in the air in that moment. He's been on ships and facilities on the edge of exploding before.

"Get the girl and run kiddo!"

Wolf's voice pinballed through his mind again, except as before it wasn't quite the old mercenary's voice. He still didn't remember the Zairman, not properly. He recalled flashes; a bunch of kids stealing another kid's donda, talk of where they were going, what they would have to do when they got there, friends. Yet he couldn't remember anyone's face. HE coudln't pick out more than a few moments. That fire. that moment hearing someone screaming to run as the superstructure was collapsing and bulhead doors threatened to seal him on the wrong side of saftey.

"Operator?" Ordis's voice again buzzed in his ear. "Are.... you alright?"

"I don't know Ordis." As's voice was hesitant as he hovered there playing signal relay. "Bits of old memories. I froze up. Maybe.... if I'd acted faster Wolf wouldn't be in chains right now?"

"Take it from me Operator. Trying to dwell on the past and might-have-beens is its own kind of hell." Ash blinked at Ordis's words, but the cephelon wasn't finished. "All that you can do now is finish siphoning what data can be taken from the station before it breaks apart, and then we go find the ship Wolf is being held on, and you do what you do best Operator. You bring him home."

"You make it sound easy Ordis." Ash managed a small laugh as he adjusted his position relative to the station.

"Everything is easy Operator. It's just the details that get a bit difficult sometimes. You'll find a way."