A Moment For Things Unsaid

[A letter, scrawled in rather neat handwriting on a yellowed page that looks like it's been torn from an old book that may or may not have previously been a part of some old and twice-dead wizard's collection.]

"It's hard to believe it's been as long as it has, Ace. Not the first time I've wondered if I've done anything to show for it.

"It still seems like just the other day that I wandered an oddly unfamiliar street, stalling in heading back to the Tower because you know how long-winded Big Blue gets when he gets into lecture mode.

"I can still remember the fog and the screams of that first fight, enough to say that battles between monsters and men sound exactly the same no matter what world you end up fighting 'em on. And that world was only the first of many that your old man'd set foot on outside of those in our known solar system. Didn't even need a jumpship to get there.

"Still haven't found my way back. Funny, that. You spend so long being stuck in one place, missing it's the last thing you expect to feel.

"I'm not saying it hasn't been nice, the freedom. Outside's where a Hunter should always be. No walls. No boundaries. No limits. Now we got worlds beyond worlds to explore, Earths that haven't been brought near the brink of extinction, places that can be normal, and just as many places that I would've never expected to have seen the things that I have.

"For now, I'm taking what I can get. Call it my finder's fee, call it being selfish, but hey- I think I can afford to be a little selfish after doing my time at the Tower. And for all that I joke, I'll get back to it. Am I in a hurry? It might not seem that way, but I know Zavala and Ikora can't do a thing without me. For all I know, they've sent out multiple fireteams to hunt me down, haul me back. It'd be nice, anyway. Be a hell of a way to show someone you care.

"All right, I kid. But if I get back and they act like I haven't been gone a day? I swear I'll walk right back out again. This Tree thing's spoiling me. I might've finally had a handle on that ol' adventuring bug, and now I'm ruined for it again. I'm not gonna complain. Been a lot to see, plenty more to do, met a lot of interesting people, a disturbing amount of kids running around without supervision. Sometimes I catch myself wondering if they'd be the same age as you were. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to sit down and get to know them better than in the middle of a fight somewhere, not that those times haven't been enjoyable. For the record, it's not been all fun and games.

"Lemme tell you, Ace. There's darkness out there. It comes in different shapes and wears different faces, but as it turns out, even the worlds out here aren't devoid of something bad happening. We have Fallen and the moon zombies and space hippos, they've got...their own zombies, giant monsters and robots that could eat people for breakfast. It's one thing when it comes from within, I'd even say inevitable, but am I wrong to say it's a little messed up if someone else's dark goes sightseeing like I'm doing right now?

"Once you realize that, you can't help but worry about something finding home before you do. I'm still working at it, but you know me. Can't turn a blind eye if there's trouble that I can apply my gun to. That's just how I am. Don't you worry though. I haven't gotten side-tracked yet. Or if I have, I've gotten right back on track. Not like I can forget, especially not when I keep running into that Warlock. A little stiff if you know what I mean, but he's got his head in the right place, in that Warlocky way of his.

"All this talk of returning to the City at some point makes me realize that maybe I should start picking up some souvenirs. Ikora's going to be a tough one. Any suggestions for Zavala? A paperweight? Maybe I'll just bring him a rock. ...I wonder how hard it would be to wrangle one of those robotic raptors--"