
Ash stared at the image of Ordis's avatar. "Excuse me, what?" He was well aware of just hwo bad things had gone wit hRaven having treated the interrior of his ship, or rather Ordis himself, because of his lapse in judgement. But for it to take weeks? He stared in a mixture of disbelief as a hard cold lump formed in the pit of his stomach.

"Operator, please try to understand. Ordis understands you mean well. You always do, but..." THe image that displayed through his glasses played back a display feed of Raven lashing out at not just him, but also Anna, sending the pair pinballing around the ship's interrior before slamming with a sickening thud into eachother. Then the footage showed what was left after ash had gotten Timulin and Anna tucked away. The ship's interrior, foundery systems, arsinal, and other interfacing and stations were in varying degrees of inoperability.

"It is my task to look out for your est interests Operator, and it is my opinion that what is best for you is to remain where you are, on this world until repairs are complete and ou've had time to think."

Ash heard the disappointment in the cephelon's voice. "Ordis.. I..."

"I will let you know when it is time to leave." Ordis's voice held in it no room to bargain or that Ash had any room to try changing what was happening. "I suggest you spend this time reflecting on what has happened and what should have happened instead."

And then... Nothing Ash tried hailing ORdis. Nothing.

Raven was gone. Timulin was recieving care. Anna? He wasn't sure where they had gotten off to other than the fact the somatic pod had medical equipment and ordis had medical knowledge enough to patch them up. This left Ash in the Mushroom Kingdom trying to figure out what to do with himself now.