Perchance to Dream

Note: Related to ongoing Pleasant Hill Event

A handfull of days pass since several locals report seeing glimpses o a 'creepy man in a non-descript black suit' appearing in town. After that night there would be a handfull of disappearances reported. None having any common social circles or common social circles. In fact the only thing these disappearances have in common are thta they're people that came into town less than a year ago. None of the 'Lifers,' those that have decided to takeroots an live permenently in town, comment on this in public. None even act like anything is out of the ordinary and would behave as if anyone missing simply never existed. 'Jimmy? Neverknew a Jemmy. Lived in that house you say? Always belonged to Sam's people.'

News reports shown in town would speak of Grineer marines mobilizing. This accompanied by images of un-naturally large soldiers, often sporting obvious prosthetic limbs. While the reports mention them as stationed in some Eastern European country, Larasa or something, they have an unsavory reputation as being brutal and uncaring not just to those they oppose but to their own men. These Larasian Uprisings seem to focus on some robotic army. Other reports cite some sort of super infection.

Other news drones on about cloning, genetic modification. The first viable Raptor eggs look ready to hatch within the week. There would be a segment making the rounds on youtube where they show the wrong image card when discussing the Church of Saind Ajora's Hand. Instead of showing the photo of the local represenetive there's about a ten second window where a wide faced man, red of face with silver flowing hair and four glowing eyes is visible. Cue speculation and jokes on mass media demonizing faiths.

In sports news Team Skull has had to swap out their anchor membor in the face of Team Alola's recent subbing of their team captain for Kahuna Hapu. Dothoral tribe is again a favorite for this year's Nadaam even in the face of continued protests of the practice's barbarism.

Locally there would one morning after a disappearance be a styalized purple lotus spraypainted on the local water tower.