Twilight Zone

After a night's rest in Evershade Mansion or what ever it was called had allowed his body to finish recovering, he no longer felt tired. It would be a couple weeks before all his muscle tone had returned but he was at near peek.

His sleep had been anything but restful. Trapped in the hell of his dreams. Death, destruction, monsters. His friends, family dying. People being blasted apart, used as living shields. The nightmares would be a long time companion. Waking up in a sweat. David had finally opened his eyes,

He was still hungry and would need to get food soon. And by that more than just energy bars and liquid nourishment. With the evening sun in his eyes he finally pulled himself away from the bed. Looking around he grabbed hold of his backpack he inhales to get out of here. There had to be a stream somewhere close he could wash up in. He did not want to linger here any more than was needed.

When he entered the mansion last night he had been caught off guard when a ghostly white ball with eyes and a mouth had appeared out of no where and tried to scare him. While it had caught him off guard with the roar it did, David gave his own roar at it. Hate and anger filled that actually rattled one of the windows. and when he was done he glared at it. He wasn't sure but he thought it had turned whiter before it vanished. He was right.

"Someone left the Door to the twilight zone open."