Lost, Alone, and Stranded.

Once there had been over a thousand of them. All of them sent to kill the last of the Guyvers. The ones who murdered their master. Archanfel. The last command still burned in their mind.


Zoanoids were genetically programed to obey the commands of a Zoalord, telepathic or verbal. If such a Zoalord ordered you to rip your self appart, you would do so. If they ordered you to kill your children. There was no resisting it.

They had found the Last known guyver, there may have been more, they didn't know. They had attack all at once. A battle that lasted for at least five days straight in a burning wasteland. Still the Guyver held on. The Zoanoids found tooth and nail, and in the end, Guyver Four had slaughtered their numbers until some disturbance had caused them to appear elsewhere.

They had attempted to continue the attack. But Outsiders people who were not Guyvers had intervened and when the Guyver had unleashed his Megasmasher. Their numbers which had been 100 strong now numbered only 25. The locals authorities had captured one of them and as per directives commuted suicide to avoid interrogation or study.

Now lost in this strange world they needed to investigate. Learn, understand, recover. They would have ample opportunities to kill Guyver four. But being cut off from their home Dimension and lost in this World Tree. Perhaps they could find away to open a dimensional breech to their world, to Bring their masters here. They knew Hamilcar Barcas had survived. As long as he lived Chronos would rise once more.

And once Chronos rose... the entire world tree would bow before the might of the Zoalords and Chronos. For now they would split up, into groups of four, 6 teams. Search for information, possible allies, tools, weapons. Their survival was more important. Chronos MUST BE REVIVED!