A News Report

"-two thieves identified as 'Bal-Cid' and 'Frank' are believed to be linked with the theft, however, investigation is still ongoing. This loss of priceless historical artifacts troubles us all, and we hope that the thieves - whoever they may be - are quickly apprehended."

"In related news, a serious case of Mummy Rot has been foiled by a band of intrepid adventurers, among them the Princess's ward and that green-capped, marvelously moustachioed man who needs no introduction." There's an awkward pause, while the toad newscaster glances down at his notes. "...Ah, the um, our beloved Princess's medical team were quick to solve the case, thanks to the burial shroud and Power Moon recovered by our intrepid heroes, with only minimal loss of life. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to the families of Toadly Edwards and Toadither Beltoad."

The newscaster shuffles his papers. "Next on Poochy News: are green mushrooms really good for you? We talk to the experts, as well as some guy we found on the street who claims-"