New allies or friends?

David had left the Bar after Wolf O'Donnell's toast. He understood the anthro Lupine's mercenary nature. And he understood that Wolf was concerned with the Zoanoids. The fact that he considered them a threat was good in David's mind. Still The idea of keeping in contact with wolf he felt was a good idea. And After having gotten the Gold back chose to use that bar as a down payment for help he might need later.

David did not want the Zoanoids to try Hire wolf to kill him, so it was to pay him to keep David in the loop if he was approached and offered to take on a job that involved attacking him, or heard of such jobs being offered. Not just by the Zoanoids, but by anyone. As easilly as you make friends and allies, one can find enemies even easier to find. He knew simply from Wolf's demenor that Wolf was no patron saint of Honor. Neither was David.

If circumstances were different he might have signed up with Star Wolf as a merc. He still might. The meeting had gone along way to making a good impression. He also Provided a second bar of gold, and while it was not a battle field mission, Did ask Wolf and Fionn to get him items like portible computer, Iphone etc, with information on it detailing the Wolf Tree.

The reason being as David Said to Fionn and Wolf "They would know the best places to get items that are hard to trace and the diplomacy of the meeting had left a good impression. And he was willing to step out on a little faith and trust them on this."

He would bee in this area fore a few more days before moving on to some other location. He was still running scared. The Zoanoids did not hesitate to attack in populated areas during his war with them. And he hated the idea of Civilian casulties. And seriously doubted the Zoanoids would commit suicide by attacking a place he had stayed at for only a few days before moving on. If heroes and such were plentiful in the world tree as he thought.

For right now he was heading back under ground and would return to the bar in two days for the pick up. Hopefully nothing bad would happen at that point.