A Toast

At the End of the Events of Scene 303: http://worldtreemush.com/index.php?title=Scene&scene_id=303


     Watching as Wolf comes over to the table with the Glass, David nods. "I think I might have a simple job you'll accept. Just keep me informed if you hear of people hiring mercs to come after me." As he looks to the sudden planting of the boot as he takes hold of the Cocktail glass, he's glad he can't get drunk easily. "It has been a distinct pleasure meeting you Wolf, Fionn. Ash. I do hope that perhaps we can be more than acquaintances in the future."

     'Do it for me?' Wolf says. Fionn smiles up, as if he needs any encouragement to enjoy a proper drink. "Well, if you're gonna twist my tail over it, sir..." A sniff is given, and then a cursory sip. Ah, hell, he's into it. The fennec doesn't dive in whole hog until the proper toast is given, though. "This is all sorts of haywire but I'm gonna look on the silver side... friends in all sorts of places and a whole frontier of discovery. If you ever need to itch your curiosity nerve, well, I get a ~little~ vacation time to go probing some phenomena or another." He laughs heartily. "Wouldn't mind hopping back to Alola again, honestly..." He flits his ears over and nods. "Aye, charmed. I'm sure we'll have plenty of getting along to do.."

     A glass is lifted -- the contents of which are a mix of rye whiskey, sweet vermouth, and bitters -- held aloft by a fingerlessly-gloved furry hand with long sharp nails. The dark ember orange liquid catches the dim lighting offered within the dive bar surrounding the people present around two tables pushed together. Notably, all other tables and chairs have been pushed away and no other patrons of the establishment are present. Nonetheless, a man named Stanley, the owner and tender of the bar, stands behind the nearby counter bearing witness to the events playing out.

     The room contains but four others:

Ash, the Tenno, is casually clothed and has but a simple sidearm. An identical drink sits at his spot at the table.

David, the Guyver, sits at the makeshift conference table smoking a cigar and with an identical drink placed before him.

Fionn, the fennec fox Star Wolf Chief Engineer, sits at the tables near his boss with an identical drink given him in addition to his cold drink.

Wolf, the leader of the mercenary pirate team Star Wolf, stands at what might be the head of the joined tables with one booted foot resting upon the chair before him. The raised drink, the same as all the rest, is in his hand.

     "A toast, then. To those we've met, and to those we'll meet; Whether we know them for our whole lives or whether they drift away and are lost to the currents of time far beyond our knowledge and understanding; The memories of those we love and those we miss and those we hope stay with us forever are ours to keep, for through those memories we learn and we grow, and through our growth -- even if those memories become cloudy or forgotten -- they will always live on, for the time spent together, no matter how brief or how long, is no more precious than the time we stand alive today. To them and to us. May those that do love us, love us. And, for those that do not love us, may the powers that be turn their hearts. And, if they can't turn their hearts, may they turn their ankles so we can know them from their limping."