Knowing Thy Self

Knowing thy self, is the first step to waging war.

After suffering through the loss of everything he had ever known. As he sat in the underground chamber he had made as his temporary home. David had decided that he's owed majorly. By Fate, Karma, destiny what ever you wish to call it. And he intended to collect.

And what he wanted was his own kingdom. David was not after an empire. Not yet anyway maybe in a hundred years or so, but not now. As such he would start researching possible target kingdoms.

He had several Criteria.
Primary. Is it is ruled by a feared tyrant.

Secondary Primary Close enough to a major power (with approprate ethics he liked and could accept) in the region he can enlist aid through treaties and trade.

Third ensure that absolutely None of the tyrant's blood line survives. Even if it means killing his children in cold blood. Looking at his list in his hand, David suddenly jotted down (only if optional methods of permanent removal can't be used.) Eliminate military leaders entirely. Establish new military.

Four make sure that none of the Allies of this targeted kingdom could launch a counter attack to deliver aid and claim it for themselves before he has secured the area.

And for that, he would need to research Locations. Warfare (he was sure he could find a copy or ten of Tsun Zu's Art of war that included dealing with magic and such.) Law and justice, Economics, leadership, building of infrastructure. Diplomacy, Oh boy the list was expansive. But only he would know the target. The surprise attack when it came had to be swift sudden. A dozen targets on a dozen worlds.

To Achieve this he would need information on these kingdoms, nature of the world, lay of the land, culture. He had to think back to the first rule of War.

If you know your enemy and your self you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither your self nor your enemy. You will succumb in every battle.

But he understood. Right now, he did not know himself any more. His defeat was assured. He needed to rediscover himself. Why had his thoughts suddenly turned to Conquest? When he had first obtained his Guyver and learned all it could do, before he was attacked by Chronos. He had thought of the idea of conquering some small nation and setting himself up as a King.

During his war with Chronos he has seen them conquer and destroy. How many people would suffer. And now he was planning to inflict it on others. Was it lust for power, was it a desire to be a hero? Or was it a desire burned into his bones from the creation of the human race?

David would travel the World Tree. He would learn of it, and in turn learn of himself once more.