Riddles in the Stars

( The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony )
( https://youtu.be/5S5nbw0YjwU )

The day had started out like any other. High atop one of New Prahv's three columns, Ravnica's sun spilled into the place Isperia called home, though the sphinx was up hours prior to meeting the first rays of dawn. A ledge rested along the largest window of her quarters. From here, she would often enjoy books, tea, the sights of the city beyond, or a combination of the three. The lights below had started to go out one after the other as the sun started to shine it's light between the endless buildings, signaling a new day for City of Ravnica. The night that came before had been chaotic, at the very least.

It had been some time since the first report of other worlds had found their way to Prahv. Worlds with mana magic and without. Worlds with new people, new technology, new races, and new ways to forge alliances or to shatter empires. Each new world that had been connected only added to the confusion of the guild that Isperia had been elected to lead. For far too long, the Azorius Senate was known as the guild of obfuscation and bureaucracy. A place where, they say, much work is done to make sure nothing is accomplished. The force connecting Ravnica to everywhere clearly did not care for the work of the Senate who tried to work to keep such revelations concealed. The Sphinx had to step in to bring it to an end. Ravnica would not remain isolated, it would open it's arms to everywhere. What point was there in isolation? It was a lesson the sphinx had learned when she had been forced to become their Guildmaster. She enjoyed pointing it out, and those that followed her could not find an argument to her logic.

Life marched forward along the streets below. People came to the city, people left the city, trade established itself, and the City of Guilds was better for it. It was a stabilizing factor for the guilds after the Guildpact had been destroyed years earlier. It was better to work together to ensure these outside forces didn't take over the city than to fight among one another. Even the Rakdos grudgingly accepted this fact.

The night before, chaotic as it was, brought with it the first report from the Izzet League's newly crowned 'Explorers Division'. A group dedicated to wandering out across new planes, new realms, and new worlds, to see the places that visitors had spoken of. They spoke of ships sailing across stars! They spoke science so advanced that magic was a forgotten ability. They spoke of wild places that have been gone from Ravnica for centuries. They spoke of so many stars in those pristine skies that they had to be seen to be believed. Funny, how as this report arrived that the very stars above Ravnica itself seemed to shift. It was something the sphinx was sensitive to. Something had changed as the worlds connected. Ravnica would need to rely on these visitors from other worlds, but to what end, was the riddle she could not solve.

Even now, as a last sip of tea is taken, and the last star of night fades from sight above, Isperia can't help but smile as she considers this new problem, a new riddle to be solved.

"Hmm. Perhaps it's time to meet some new people and discover new perspectives."